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via a motor of course...

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Q: How can you obtain energy from a waterwheel?
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Related questions

What are the advantages of Waterwheel?

it is used for power and energy

Where does hydro power get its energy?

Hydro is Latin for water so hydro power gets its energy from water. It's often powered by a waterwheel.

What are the energy changes that take place when the waterwheel operates?

maybe its more envirnmentel i dont know i am doing this for$$$$$$$

How is energy produced using the source of water?

Water energy is produced when you use the movement energy of running water to power a waterwheel. That waterwheel then powers a generator which makes electrical energy. Then the generator transfers that energy to the power station.

How do autotrophs obtain energy and how do heterotrophs obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

How producers consumers and decomposers obtain energy?

producers obtain energy from water and sunlight, consumers obtain energy from producers and decomposers obtain energy from comsumers.

How is the energy produced by nuclear fission used?

- to obtain electrical energy - to obtain thermal energy - to obtain bombs

How do coral obtain energy?

They obtain energy from green algae

Why is a waterwheel important?

It's a way to turn natural, renewable energy (the flowing of a river or stream) into useful energy for grinding grain or running machinery or making electricity, etc.

How do autotrophs obtain energy?

Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun, or chemicals in sunless environments, and Heterotrophs obtain energy by the foods they consume

How do plants and animals cell obtain energy?

obtain energy from nucleas

How do hetetrophs obtain energy?

They obtain their energy by consuming other organisms.