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Well i have persuaded my mom i have a very cute dog now, i promised to take him out and take care of him, give him showers, feed him and pay for him. My mom got me a dog the same day!

Hey! I'm having exactly the same problem but with my dad. I have researched a lot about dogs and how they can improve families. Prove to your mum that you are responsible and that you are capable of looking after a dog. If you have any other pets then make sure you look after them really well without your mum nagging you. Try and help out around the house more and show that you can look after one. Tell your mum about how a dog can become part of the family and would be like another sibling to you. Explain how you will look after it and it will be your responsibility.

However, you cannot persuade some parents.

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tell her you'll take care of it. tell her you'd even help pay for it.

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Q: How can you persuade your mom to get you a dog?
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Take sole responsibility for the dog you have; Walks, Feedings, Training....etc. Then make sure you have enough room and time for a new dog. Most parents want to give their kids everything they can, taking the initiative by figuring everything out before you go to your mom will show her you are ready for the added responsibility of a new dog.

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ask your dad if hes OK with it . if he is, get him to ask your mom . or beg all day for one . that's what i did.

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Your dog is expressing it's dominance. The best dog is on top. Or he just really likes her. Which I doubt.

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Simply present your argument for why you should have what ever it is, and hope it was compelling enough.

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