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Some pool stores sell a tool just for small stains. It may have to be ordered. I think it is made by Pool Tool in Ventura, Calif. It uses a small amount of acid in a cup like device which is placed over the stain. Caution: leaving the device on a spot too long will etch the plaster and it will be worse than when you started. Tablets are not thrown into the pool to maintain chlorine levels. Use a feeder. Also do not put tabs in the skimmer.


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Q: How can you remove the brown stains on the bottom of a gunnite pool from chlorine tablets?
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How do you remove the gunnite surface from around a pool that has been filled in?

You have to remove the water or the land fill in order to work on the walls of the vessel.

What are the most important things one should know about owning a gunite pool?

I would call your local pool supply store and ask if they provide a "pool school" great information to be had there. - Brush it often - Keep the PH level JUST BARELY on the alkeline side - Brush it often - Remove debris (leaves) from the bottom or you could get brown stains - Brush it often - Keep the sanitizer (chlorine) levels correct, alge loves the porus gunnite

What is a chlorine water filter used for?

Chlorine water filters are used to remove chlorine from a source of water. It can be used to remove the taste of chlorine from water and is often used in pools.

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Yes , almost all the chlorine.

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How do you apply chlorine tablets?

Most chlorine tablets come in a floating "pod" commonly known as a floater. Also many stores sell small floating baskets which have removable lids. Once you remove the lid(usually screw-off), you just put the tablet inside, close it and throw it into the pool. Depending on the climate of your region, and the chemical balance of your pool's water (Ph, alkalinity and so forth), these chlorine tablets need only be replaced about once every week or two. Warmer regions require weekly replacement of tablets, as the chlorine is absorbed quickly by the sun. Colder climates, and the winter season require the changing of chlorine to be done at larger intervals. Every two to three weeks should be sufficient. An alternative option is to just leave the chlorine tablet in the pool's weir ( that hole where you plug the pool cleaner in), though this cause them to deplete at a faster rate ans commonly result in over-chlorination of the water, and sometimes red and burning eyes depending on the strenght of the tablets being used.

Does metal free take out chlorine?

No, metal-free does not have the ability to remove chlorine from water. Metal-free is typically a product used to sequester or bind metal ions in the water to prevent staining or other issues. To remove chlorine from water, you would need to use a chlorine neutralizer or a water filtration system that is designed to remove chlorine.

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How to Remove smell from a basement sump pump well?

First scrub the wall of the sump pump (so as to get rid of existing buildout). Next, add one to two teaspoon of bleach (chlorine). This will kill the bacteria that causes the smell Damean I use large chlorine tablets that are for swimming pools, lasts a month.

Can you remove the coat from enteric caoted tablets?

Only after you remove the shoes and tie.

Can chlorine remove nail polish?

yes, you'll notice this if you go in a chlorine pool.

Why do swimmer take showers after they get out of the water?

To remove chlorine. to remove salt.