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Q: How can you represent fear?
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What societal fear does this monster most likely represent?

fear of government control

Why do Bones Represent Fear?

Not fear as much as danger, suggesting death. Two examples: on bottles of poison, and on pirate flags.

What does a presence of a snake mean?

Snakes represent fear or sexual issues, really big snakes mean fear of sex.

What does the cowardly lion represent in wizard of oz?

The lion represents courage.

What unique fear do Martians or other aliens represent, as opposed to zombies, vampires, and other types of monsters?

(Apex) Fear of superior technology.

In Greek mythology who personified dread?

Well there's the twin sons of Ares and Aphrodite; Phobos and Deimos, who are the gods of terror and dread. As the the sons of Ares they represent fear on the battle field as the sons of Aphrodite they represent the fear of loss.

What color represent afraid?

The color yellow is often associated with fear or being afraid.

What is kernaunophobia?

Comes from the Greek keraunos meaning thunder and is typically used to represent the fear of thunder.

What do vampires symbolise?

vampires symbolise all sorts of things, but they represent, in some cases, fear

What five characteristics do the five daughters of Mara represent?

pride, greed, ignorance,fear and desire

What do the bats represent in Batman begins?

that is batmans fear is bats. ever since he was a little boy. he wanted to bbring fear on those who cause fear on others. so he used a symbol that striked fear into his heart and hoped him being batman would do the same to criminals he fought.

What does a wolf represent?

it means you stand up for your family and friends and when your scared you use fear as a weapon.