

How can you respect your spouse after he cheated?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Great question! But also important is how can you every trust him again. Ultimately, the answer to both questions is simple to express, but hard to do. You need to be able to "forgive" the infidelity.

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Q: How can you respect your spouse after he cheated?
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If this is a one time affair your spouse has had then 'to err is human' and if they are remorseful you have a greater chance of saving your marriage. Instead of worrying about your self respect realize that percentages of affairs between married couples is high and that you are not the only person dealing with this problem. Take the bull by the horns and let your spouse know that you are not putting up with another affair and the both of you should seek counseling. The Counselor is not there to blame one or both partners, but to give the couple tools to help them through their marriage problems. Keep your head high because you were not the one that cheated and no matter how high the statistics of one spouse cheating on another it is still unacceptable in society. If your spouse has cheated more than once then pack then you are far better to file for divorce because the statistics are high they will cheat again.