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put your compost in the compost bin garbage in the garbage bin and bottels along with plastics and glass in a bin and papper and cardboard in a different bin. DO NOT LITTER!don't spit your gum on the ground.DONT WAST PAPPER REUS IT!

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14y ago
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14y ago
How to Stop Pollution

Okay, first off it is pollution you

Now you can stop pollution by not littering, turning off your lights after using them, riding your bike or walking instead of driving your car, and even shutting down your computers after using them.

There are many other ways but these are the most useful I find.

Good Luck!

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Q: How can you stop pollution?
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pollution cannot be completely reduced it is impossible we could definatly reduce pollution but not completely stop it

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For the air, pollution can cause acid rain and hazes that cause medical problems. For animals, trash and oil can kill or strangle them. For us, we should stop pollution and save our planet. Stop Pollution. Save the Earth.

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Forbid /stop using fireworks

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you can stop it by notttttttt littering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Type your answer here...