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* Whenever my boyfriend and I get into arguments or we have issues with my relationship sometimes you just need to get mad at each other. No one is happy knowing they have problems with there girlfriend/boyfriend. Just tell them what you need to say and try and calmly explain to them how you feel no matter how upset or angry they get. It is easier to solve problems when they are small not when you let them get larger. * It takes two to be mature and communicate in a relationship and appears your boyfriend is extremely immature unless you are constantly nagging about little things to him. If you have serious problems then explain to him you want to talk out your problems and if he starts to get mad stand your ground and tell him you are not putting up with his immature nonsense any longer and will leave the relationship if he can't sit down like an adult and come to an agreement where you are both happy with the resolve of your problem. If one of the two in the relationship refuses to communicate when there are problems brewing in a relationship then it is doomed. Communication is what glues good relationships together whether it's a boyfriend/husband/family or friends. YOU take control of your life and never settle for less!

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Q: How can you talk out your relationship problems with your boyfriend if every time you bring them up he gets angry?
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