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To tell a search engine to eliminate all pages containing a specific word you would prefix the word with the - sign.

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12y ago

you put a '-' in front of it

like instead of not fish

you write -fish

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Q: How can you tell a search engine to eliminate all pages containing specific words?
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How can tell a search engine to eliminate all pages containing a specific word?

Go to Webmaster Tool and remove your desired URLs.

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Put a plus sign adjacent to the word you're looking for

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An open search engine is a standardized search format that can be used by anyone. A closed search engine limits the search functionality and sometimes can only be accessed by specific people.

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Search Ads can be prevented by being very specific when searching. For example: Instead of searching for a state, search by a city and state. This will help eliminate search ads.

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orangutan -Sumatra

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it would always have quotations "orangutan sumatra"

What is a search engine operators?

A search engine operator, also known as a search operator or advanced search operator, is a special character or command that can be used in a search query to refine and enhance the search results provided by a search engine. These operators allow users to perform more specific and targeted searches, enabling them to find information more efficiently. Search engine operators are typically used in conjunction with keywords or phrases to narrow down the search results based on specific criteria. By using these operators, users can specify factors such as the exact phrase match, inclusion or exclusion of certain words, searching within specific domains or websites, searching for specific file types, and much more.

What do double quotation marks around a word mean when searching for something?

Double quotation marks around a word or phrase indicate that you are searching for that exact word or phrase on a search engine. This tells the search engine to only return results with that specific word or phrase in the same order as you typed it.

What is is a search engine?

A search engine is a software program or script available through the internet that searches documents and files for keywords and returns the results of any files containing those keywords. Today, there are thousands of different search engines available on the Internet, each with their own abilities and features. The first search engine ever developed is considered Archie, which was used to search for FTP files and the first text-based search engine is considered Veronica. Today, the most popular and well known search engine is Google.A search engine is a way of finding out things.

Why does punctuation help your search on search engines?

Punctuation can aid in refining search queries by specifying the relationship between words or indicating a specific phrase. Search engines use punctuation to understand the context of the search terms better, leading to more accurate and relevant results for the user. Proper use of punctuation can help to eliminate ambiguity and improve the search engine's ability to match the intent behind the search query.

Is it possible to find someone using Google?

Google is a search engine, it only searches for web pages containing the word or words you have directed it to search for. If someones name is on a web page, it can find that web page. If you use quotes around their name, it will narrow the search down to that specific name. It is possible to find people using google.