

Best Answer

Yes, you can

  • if its big tht means they are calm and gentle
  • if its small it means they are aggravated
  • if its medium it means they are sad
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Q: How can you tell how a cat is feeling by its eye pupil's size?
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Can a cat tell if its master has a disease or sickness?

Often times your cat will know if you are feeling bad.

What is happening if your cat has one nondilated pupil?

The darker the room your cat is in, the larger it's pupils will get to allow more light into the eye. But I notice though, when my cat wants to pounce something, her pupils will get bigger also. A cats pupils change size not only because of light, but also because of mood. When prey (which if your cat is indoor might just mean a toy mouse) comes by, its pupils will dilate to get a better view of prey.

How to tell what your cats feeling?

The cat will obiously walk in front of the thing or item they want and whine and meow for it until they get what they want.Well, my cat does anyway.

What shape are animal pupils?

Animal pupils come all different shapes and sizes. A cat has slit shaped pupils, and a chicken has round pupils. Some goats even have time glass shaped pupils. Many different shapes.

What are some ways you can tell how an animal is feeling?

Through a complex body language. If you want to know what they are feeling, see how they are acting. For example and angry cat will arch it's back.

What is the difference between shape of cat iris and tiger iris?

The cat family of Panthera (leopard, lion, tiger, jaguar) have round pupils. Other cats including the cougar, snow leopard have vertical pupils.

How can you tell a cat's mood by looking at its tail?

Usually, if a cats pupils fill it's irises, it is scared. If their eyes are in slits, some people could say they're scared, but usually they're alert if they're slits. And, mostly when cats are happy, or relaxed, their pupils are fat slits, but not so they fill up their irises.

When cats pupils are big does it mean they can see ghosts?

Cat's pupils enlarge when there is low light and when they are excited by something. Typically when they see something surprising or that they consider prey, their pupils will enlarge. There is no reason to think that they are seeing ghosts when this happens.

What does it mean if your cat's pupils are really big?

...that your cat is in a dark place. -_- (Also, it might be perturbed, especially if its ears are flat against its head.)

Why are my cats pupils so wide but she is not blind is something wrong?

No nothing is wrong with your cat, her pupils are wide because when any object with eyes looks at a bright light, their eyes get small. But when it's dark, the pupils get big. So know you know why. :)

How do you tell if your cat is obese?

you can tell if your cat if fat is if her or she is lazy and chubby

If a cat purrs does it sometimes mean it is mad?

A cat purrs when it is happy or is feeling safe.