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She'll have scarrs on her wrists, she'll wear all black, eyeliner, black hair, and she will never smile...

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Q: How can you tell if a girl is emo?
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Related questions

What do you tell your hairdresser when you want the emo look?

Ok, I am emo and just recently got a so called emo hair cut. I just showed the hairdresser a pic of an emo girl with an emo hair cut!

How do you get an emo girl to like you if your a greaser?

I am emo girl. And it don't mind who you are. Just be yourself!

How can you tell a person is emo?

if you are emo you are highly depressed.

Why did the girl do their hair like emo?

they are emo It's possible because she is an emo or she likes emo hairstyles, but i would say she is an emo.

What are emo boys into in a girl?

They just want that girl to be emo to and not like most popular girls.

How love emo?

me..i love emo <3 emo my world really EMO in my blOod im cOol girl and i dont care about people and im proudly EMO with my love ::LENO LOVE EMO ((leno love emo on facebook)) leno im emo leen dark thank you with my love emo girl..<3

Do emo girls like non-emo guys or is it possible for a non-emo guy to get a emo girl to like him?

they must have converted to being emo soon for it to happen. If the girl is sterotype emo then Most likly no. they do alot of dating withen the group. If they do find you attractive the relashinip will not last actually, as an emo, I can say that not all emo girls go for emo guys. emo girls can date non-emo guys if she wants to. the only thing that matters is whats on the inside.

Can any emo girl be pretty?

Emo is ultimately...a category. "Emo" does not define who a person is or what they look like...So yes, emo girls can be pretty n_n

Where is the best place to get an emo punk scene girl haircut in Illinois?

There is really no specific place for that. What you wouold have to do is show them a image of a picture of the kind of "emo" hair hair cut you want. Then tell them thats how you want it done.

What are the name of emo model girls?

The following have emo celebs or emo looking celebsTaylor MomsenBrookelle BonesLilly AllenAgunis(they're girl emo sing-screamers)And so on.

What do you do if middle school emo girl gets picked on?

When I was in middle school, I was emo and I got picked on at times. But the least you can do help the girl and help them. If you keep seeing the people keep pushing and pushing and picking on the girl tell an adult or staff from school. But most of all comfort the person whose being picked on. And if it's you getting picked on then avoid ignore and tell on the bully if it goes too far

Would Vincent martella like to date an emo girl?

would Vincent Martella like to date an emo girl? I think he would!