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He pays more attention to you than his girlfriend and try's to impress you

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Q: How can you tell if a guy likes you but he has a girl friend?
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tell him to ask the girl if she likes him

Will a guy tell his friend if he knows a girl likes the friend?

No he wouldn't tell his friend because he is going to try to take her from his friend

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He likes u and asked her not to tell

How can a girl tell if her best guy friend likes her?

He hangs out with you when nobody else is there.

Is it a turn off when a girl has her friend tell a guy that the girl likes him?

as long as you show the guy that u like him then its a turn on

How do you tell your best friend who you like?

Just tell her or him with confidence depending on your gender, sexual preferences, etc.Example of a best-friend turning into a relationship scenario:A guy likes his best friend who's a girl (the guy has to tell her with confidence)A girl likes his best friend who's a guy (the girl has to tell him with confidence)This is an example for straights to go, but the same idea can go for gays

Say a girl like a guy and the guy like another girl and the girl is the other girl's friend what should the girl do?

The girl that likes the guy should tell her friend that he likes her. And if her friend ends up liking him back, you must be the good person and let them get together even if you like the boy. That's what a good friend would do. -But ! If your friend doesn't end up liking the guy back, then you should.. tell the guy that she doesn't like him and also tell him that you have feelings for him. Maybe he will end up liking you. Who knows. ? (:

What if your best guy friend likes your best girl friends but she doesnt like him How should you tell him?

Tell him she sees him like a brother , or just as a friend , or she likes someone else.

How can you tell if a guy you like likes your friend and not you?

if a guy likes ur friend he will flirt with her and not u.

If your a guy and your friend is a girl how can you tell if she is in love with you?

if your a guy and your friend is a girl how can you tell if she is in love with you?

How do you prompt a guy you think likes you to tell you he likes you?

If you have a friend who is a friend of him, ask the friend to ask him if he likes you.

How can you tell your guy friend likes you?

Ask him.