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lowchens have black or brown nose, hanging ears, tail carried above back, long wavy hair but never curly, 10 to 13 inches at shoulder height,

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Q: How can you tell if a lowchen is a purebred?
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How much does a lowchen puppy cost?

A Lowchen puppy can cost between 4,000 to 7,000 dollars. It is a rare breed of dog that is originally from Germany. The word 'Lowchen' means little lion.

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You have a purebred horse and get it pregnant with a horse that is purebred. Then the baby will be purebred. Or you can buy one in the sales. Blue stars means that the horse is purebred.

How do you tell if your dog is purebred?

the attributes will be correct to the certain breed in question

Which breed of dog is freeway from heart to heart?

Apparently it was a Lowchen

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Usually if dogs are mixed they have a white tip on their tail or white on their paws. A purebred lab will not have these. A purebred is all one color. You can look online for the exact specifications of the breed so that you can find other inconsistencies.

How much does a Lowchen cost?

it costs about $1800 to $2000 must me a sweet dog!!lol

How can you tell if a Doberman is purebred?

Firstly, does the dog look like a Dobermann - pay attention to the head and body shape. Secondly, does it have Kennel Club registration papers. If the dog does then it is most certainly a purebred.

What breed of dog is Freeway on Hart to Hart?

'freeway' breed was a Lowchen ( German for 'Little Lion )

Is a Homozygous a Hybrid or a Purebred?

it is a purebred!:D

What is a sentence for purebred?

She had a favorite burebred dog. This is an example sentence using purebred.

What does it mean to be purebred?

To be purebred , means that you are purebred.