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Valleys carved by glaciers are U-shaped, while those carved by rivers are V-shaped.

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Q: How can you tell if a valley was carved by a glacier or a river?
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How do you tell if a valley glacier is advancing or retreating?

You can tell if it's retreating if it slows it's speed in the glacier. You can tell if it's advancing if it increases in speed.

How can you tell if a valley was formed by a glacier?

The valley has a U-shape or rounded bottom.

How do you tell if a glacier has moved?

A glacier is a piece of ice.

How can you tell if a valley was made by a river?

You would have to taste the water running through, the more salty it is.. most likely its made from a valley LOL

An example for a glacier?

well you tell me if your a crack head then its nothing hahaha or maybe its your brain saying hello to taylor swift lol. that doesn't make sense, i knw. anyways back to answering the questions. sike! im not answering the question lol. anyways if you think im funny let me know. you can call me at 1-888-588-2300

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Washington was a major in the Virginia militia when he was sent to tell the French to leave the Ohio River Valley.

How can you tell is a river has been around for hundreds of years versus a newer river?

A good indicator is how deep it is, the longer a river is around the deeper a river valley it carves out, althought it doesn't work for all rivers.

How can mountains tell us what glaciers existed at the beginning of time?

At the beginning of time there were no mountains or glaciers, there were also no planets or stars. Mountains can tell us where glaciers existed by the shape of the valleys between them, a "U" shaped valley usually means a glacier once flowed down it.

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A Mayan stelae is a tell stone column that is carved.

Would you tell people that you like river view on the sims 3 better than sunset valley on the sims 3?

I did just because it was new. But once you get used to it Sunset Valley is better hands down.

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