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The stimulus artifact is biphasic and roughly symmetrical. If you reverse the polarity of the stimulus you will see no or little change in the stimulus artifact but should see a decrease or absence of the neural response. The rate of change in a stimulus artifact is generally an order of magnitude faster than most neural responses so that filtering will disproportionally affect it. Always set your stimulus to lowest strength needed to elicit a response before reversing polarity. If you are on the wrong polarity this has the risk of killing your preparation.

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Q: How can you tell if bumps on the oscilloscope trace are due to the stimulus artifact or are part of a compound action potential?
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What is the difference between a compound action potential and a single action potential?

Single action potentials follow the "all or none" rule. That is, if a stimulus is strong enough to depolarize the membrane of the neuron to threshold (~55mV), then an action potential will be fired. Each stimulus that reaches threshold will produce an action potential that is equal in magnitude to every other action potential for the neuron. Compound action potentials do not exhibit this property since they are a bundle of neurons and have different magnitudes of AP's. Thus compound action potentials are graded. That is, the greater the stimulus, the greater the action potential.

The action potential is generated when a stimulus?

When a stimulus stimulates a neuron above the threshold, the action potential is generated.

Why is the amplitude of the compound action potential recorded from the frog sciatic nerve increased when the voltage of the stimulus was increased above the threshold value?

when the voltage of the stimulus is increased above threshold, it can instantly trigger the action potential into a depolarizing state which will rapidly shoot up above the threshold value.

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Increasing the stimulus voltage in the simulation affect action potential mainly because increasing the current will automatically increase the voltage.

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A receptor (protein) on a neuron that receives stimulus (light, pressure, chemical...etc). The stimulus generates a receptor potential (local disturbance/slight depolarization in membrane potential).

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How does graded potential occur?

Graded potential occurs when triggered by a stimulus and gated ion channels open these gated channels can either be chemically gated or mechanically gated. In order to have graded potential threshold must be met in order to generate action potential. Good day!

Minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse?

An action potential needs to occur to trigger the neurons but the action potential depends on whether a stimulus is able to bring the membrane potential to a certain level termed the THRESHOLD. This threshold is about -55 mV for most neurons, but the stimulus needs to bring the membrane potential to this certain level or it will not be triggered. Relating to the ALL-OR-NONE PRINCIPLE, which if the threshold is not acquired then an action potential will not occur but once a stimulus is strong enough to depolarize (making the inside of the cell less negative going from -70 mV to -55 mV) it will trigger. The resting potential is -70 mV which the stimulus needs to bring it up to -55mV.

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How does the threshold stimulus influence muscle contraction?

The threshold stimulus is the stimulus required to create an action potential. So any stimulus under this level will not cause muscle contraction, while a stimulus above this level will cause the muscle to contract. The higher the stimulus the more muscle fibers are recruited, and thus the higher the response.