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Q: How can you tell if the web page you are currently visiting is secure?
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How can one tell if the Bank of America has a secure sign in on their website?

One can tell if the Bank of America has a secure sign on their official page by looking to see if it is secure. The page has a security/privacy measure which means it is secure.

How can I tell if my online banking is secure?

Instead of visiting banks, most people these days conduct there banking online. All banks have to provide a secure location for these transactions to be done. If you look at the bottom of most sites they will state what and who is protecting them. A secure site is also symbolized by a closed padlock at the bottom of each page. If you think the site is not safe, do not use it.

What is the significance of counter on a web page?

A counter can tell you how popular a website is, how many people are on that website, and/or tell you where people are from that are visiting that website.

How secure is Google?

not very secure i can tell you thet

How do you find out what astrological sign the moon is currently in?

A good almanac will tell you. Go to the link below and when the page loads "click" on the moon.

How can you tell if your browser has a secure connection to a web server you want to use?

The abbreviation for a secure URL is https - the "s" is for "secure"

How safe is it to use online bill pay?

If you are using online bill pay through your bank or through a trusted provider, then it is very safe. Make sure the service you use has a secure site (you can tell by the URL, if it has https then it's secure, http is not secure). Often the "s" will show up after you enter the bill pay page.

What is the message of a book?

It is what the Arthur is trying to tell you thank you for visiting

Which of the fun free games is the best?

You can poll friends to see what their favorite games are. Check on the website you are visiting. Many of them post a star rating system to tell you what games others are addicted to. I am currently addicted to Submarine Puzzle.

How can you tell if a Facebook login page is legitimate?

Before logging in to Facebook, be sure the URL begins with "https," which is the secure version of http. Also, if you are on the legitimate Facebook page, you should see a small icon that looks like a lock in the address field. This indicates that the website's identity is verified.

Im running Firefox how can I be sure my connection to wellsfargocom is secure?

Most of the time when running this internet server it will tell you which sites are secure and not secure. This server though is very good about keeping connections secure.

How can you tell whether an online gaming site is secure?

if it is purple