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This is a tough question to answer. There are many factors into how a guy would act if he's stressed out. Foremost, it depends on the quality and depth of your relationship. If you two have a strong bond, then more than likely a stressed out boyfriend will find comfort and relief in your presence. If it is just a casual relationship, then he may just find his own ways to relieve stress, which could mean distancing himself and asking for a little space and time. Truth be told, you will generally have a gut feeling whether he's truly stressed or just using it as an excuse to distance himself. Either way, share your concerns and see how reacts. Depending on his personality and level of patience, it also adds other factors into the equation. Try to not add to his stress and plan a carefree day to help him de-stress. If he's not receptive to it, or does not want to spend anytime with you it may be something other than stress. Last but not least, communicate calmly, always makes things clear.

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Q: How can you tell if your boyfriend is just really stressed out or if he is trying to distance himself from you?
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