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Your child will figure it out by him or herself. Dont try to interfere or figure it out, you'll ruin his life. And empathy isn't a psychic ability.

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Q: How can you tell if your child has a psychic ability such as empathy?
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Here's a way you can tell 100% of the time: it's never real There are no psychics whose "powers" have been able to withstand close scientific scrutiny.

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No, there is no way to know for sure whether a person is a psychic. However, you can see different suggestions at

How do you i tell my parents i am psychic?

If you think you will get a very negative response, I would say keep it to yourself for now. If you feel they will be open to it, then just tell them honestly why you feel you are psychic and what your experiences have been.

What is the contact number for Psychic Interactive?

The contact number for Psychic Interactive is 1-702-216-9900. Lydia is a natural, she is a specialist in psychic numbering and is sure to tell you all you want to hear.