

Best Answer

The best and most reliable way to find out if you're pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test. These can be bought from a pharmacy or supermarket, or can be done at the doctor's. A pregnancy test can be taken 3 weeks after sex.

Some other symptoms of pregnancy are:

Missed period


Feeling/being sick

Needing to pee more

Certain smells/foods/colours making you feel/be sick


Moody and emotional

Sore/tender breasts

Food/smell cravings
pregnancy test!
you can do a pregnancy test at your doctor. if you don't want to be tester, missing 2 periods in a row is usually a sign of pregnancy
Some symptoms include not havening your period/being late, morning sickness, growth of belly(then you would now) and i got this off of a web site: A missed or a delayed menstruation cycle is the most reliable symptom of pregnancy. Implantation Bleeding is the earliest symptom of pregnancy. This happens about eight days after the conception resulting in spotting and cramping. Swollen/Tender Breasts is another early symptom that can be seen after 1 or 2 weeks of conception. Many women may notice that their breasts have become tender to the touch or have turned sore. Fatigue or a feeling of tiredness that may begin within the first week of conception is also a early pregnancy symptom. Nausea/Morning Sickness is another well known symptom that may show up after about 2 to 8 weeks after conception. Lower Backaches is another early symptom of pregnancy. Frequent Urination occurs after 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy and is very common symptom of pregnancy. Darkening of Areolas or the skin around the nipples. Food Cravings for certain kinds of food indicates a presence of pregnancy and can last throughout the period. Rectal Bleeding. go here for an online pregnancy test:

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How do I know if I am pregnant?

Most of the times, an over the counter pregnancy test will tell you if you are pregnant. If not, go to your local doctor and they can tell by your hormones if you are pregnant or not.

I think i am can you tell me by giving me a quiz that will tell me the truth if i am pregnant or not?

pregnant test usually dont lie

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