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Q: How can you tell luteal phase when your period has varied the past couple months by adding couple of days?
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How do you know how long your luteal phase is?

Women have their luteal phase soon after ovulation is finished up to their first menstrual period. On average, women have a 14 days luteal phase. The normal luteal phase is 10-16 days. But if you want to get pregnant having 12 or higher luteal phase is ideal.

How soon after stopping the mini pill will you get your period?

some women usually get their period a month to a couple months after stopping the mini pill. 1-3 months!!

What if you have not had a period for a couple of months what shound you do?

Take a pregnancy test! Call your doctor right away!

How much blood out of your first period after childbirth?

Depends on your body and your mobility afterwards. It can be for a week to a couple on months.

When do you think I will get my period I have had breast for about two years i have pubic hair and i had discharge for about 6 months but all of a suddden it stoped How far do you think I am?

in a couple of months maybe

Does You Period Help You Grow Taller?

It is my professional opinion that you are really short, and your period actually does make you grow. It is quite frequent that girls/women start a growth spurt after that they had their period for a couple of months.

When will you get a period after 3 weeks of breastfeeding?

Some women never have a period while breast-feeding. If nursing exclusively it usually takes a couple of months before you will get it back.

Can you have symptoms of pregnancy in 5 days before missed period?

Usually not, however, everyone is different. Just like period duration can vary in women, both the follicular phase (first half of cycle which includes the period) and the luteal phase (last portion of cycle) can also vary from woman to woman. Ovulation divides the two phases, so if a womans follicular phase is extremely long, and their luteal phase is extremely short, it can be possible to get pregnant shortly before a period would be expected; however, very short luteal phases are considered problematic for fertility and it is very difficult to conceive with a very short luteal phase.

When is menopause considered official?

Menopause is considered official when a woman has not had a period for a year. Some women during the start of menopause can spot, skip a couple of months and have a light period or even a heavy period.

Haven't had my period for a couple months. Why is there now a little bit of intermittent bleeding?

You may just be starting to have your period again. If you thought you were pregnant, you should seek advice from your physician.

What happens if you started the new pack of birth control while you have your period.. will your period start earlier next month?

It is normal for some women to have break through bleeding in the first couple months on BCP, your period will become very regular and possibly lighter within a few months.

Can you be pregnant and still get periods the first couple of months?

you can get your period through out your whole pregnancy its now to happen i had my period until i was seven months pregnant i knew i was pregnant got prenatal care and the baby was ok but i just never stop getting my period for quite some time