

How can you tell the age of your dog?

Updated: 3/19/2021
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how can i tell the age of a dog

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Q: How can you tell the age of your dog?
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What is the oldest age for a dog?

Well it depends on what kind of dog your talking about, then tell me the dog and ill give you the age, : )

When was born my dog?

Your vet can tell you your dog's approximate age if you don't know it.

How do you tell how old is a dog?

i have heard that you can tell by the teeth but sometimes you can tell by the face or the personality of your dog

Find out what your dog eat?

take your dog to the vet, the vet will tell you what and how much your dog should eat based on breed, age, weight and lifestyle. =]

If a dog can scent other dogs scent can they tell what kind of dog they are?

Yes, dogs have such a good sense of smell, they can even tell what gender, what age, what breed, if it is healthy, and if it is happy.

How can you tell the age of your golden retreiver?

you should keep track of how old your dog is in human years, then x it by 7 then there's your answer for dog years.

How does a dogs age chart go?

Age of dog in human yearsSmall breedage in dog yearsMedium breed -age in dog yearsLarge breed age in dog years115151522424243282828432323253636366404245744475084851559525661105660661160657212646977136874821472788815768393168087120

Can you tell a dog's age by its fur color?

You can, up to a point. An old dog's fur will start to go grey in places, while browns and tans will fade to a lighter shade.

How can you tell if your dog likes a song?

you can tell because your dog will shake its head

How can you best estimate the age of a border collie?

One way to tell the approximate age of a border collie is by their teeth. If they have all their adult teeth and the teeth are bright white, the dog is probably approximately one to two years old. As a dog ages, their teeth become stained and worn. It is an estimate on the age of a dog because a dog who aggressively chews may have worn down teeth when only a couple of years old.

Is age 13 the best age for a dog?

the age of 13 is GREAT for a dog to live to! depending on which dog you have, there is a set age they should live at if they have a happy, healthy life. but anyway, 13 is a great age for a dog to live at, but if they live for any longer, good on them!

How can you tell how old your dog weighs?

Well, you can tell how old your dog is by multiplying how old your dog is in human years by 7. And you can tell how much they weigh by weighing them.