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You get them very drunk then you kind of whisper it out to where the person next to you only hears you, then when they have to double check and ask you again, you change the story and tell them something else then by the time you have your baby. When they ask you "Why didn't you tell me before that you were pregnant you tell them?" Answer: "But I did don't you remember that time we all got drunk at your house and then you'll have them wondering whether you are telling them the truth then say "oh wait you passed out that's why you probably don't remember."

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15y ago
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13y ago

Well if you are pregnant and you want to tell your parents good for you. Start of easy and ask them to sit down and tell them you have something to tell them. After that ask them questions like would you love me still if i did something stupid then.... depending on there answer tell them "mom,dad i am pregnant i wanted to tell you right away but i didn't know how to tell you so i did this". That is a good way to do it or just tell them straight out "I am pregnant", or just text it to them but the best way is how i told you....

good luck,

Dr. Liliana Minnelli

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13y ago

Take then out to dinner.. Tell them you have something important to tell them.

Yes that would work if you are an adult with job and your own home but if you are a teen living at home tell them at home. There will be shocked faces and possibly anger and lots of discussions and you don't want to have that in a restaurant among strangers or to sit in the car on your way home. At home you can at least go to your room if you need to.

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9y ago

Just tell them. The sooner you do it the sooner they can help you.


Just sit them down in a very serious manner tell them that you are pregnant. Tell them that you have been irresponsible with what you were taking part in and then tell them what you plan to do about the pregnancy whether you intend to go through with it and keep the child, put the child up for adoption or have an abortion the decision is yours and don't let them tell you otherwise hope this helps you and I hope everything works out for the best


You and your boyfriend should sit down with both your parents and tell them about the situation. There is no need to apologize and you didn't mean for it to turn out like this and hurt your parents. Let them know you love each other (if you do) and then decide what you want to do. You can get married (depending on your age); have the baby and either both sets of parents help out as well as your boyfriend paying some sort of child support, or you can give the baby up for adoption.


Of course your parents are going to be shocked and a little upset, but realize that your parents love you and although this isn't what they had planned for you in the future they can't say they haven't thought of the possibility of you getting pregnant. It happens!


You have to tell your parents the earlier you tell them the more time they have to get over the shock. It doesn't matter whether they are the type that do or do not understand that much. If you really feel that you can't talk to them remember who they are...they're your parents they will have to get over it one day. The sooner you tell them, the more time they will have to support through the decisions you make further about the future with the baby, whether or not you decide to keep it.

If you can't talk to them alone, I would say go to an adult, don't tell friends because it will usually cause a riot and a lot of gossip. You have to tell someone you truly trust, such as another relative that is older and that you tell everything to even your most embarrassing moments. Having them by your side and them helping you then tell your parents will make it easier for you. Hope this helps?

Get a family member to help you. It's best just to tell them before it's to late, and talk to the father and see how he can help.


Just come out with it. It'll suck but in the long run it's the best you can do, And your perents will forget about it in time and more on from it =)


Talk to your mom! Moms are very understanding. Don't hesitate to tell her. You are way too young to have a baby and not saying anything could put you in a very uncomfortable situation. I would mention it to her before it gets too late.

You can sit your parents down if you are underage and take a few dep breaths and just say it.


I know it's hard but you have to talk to your mom first--i tell you this because my sister was afraid to tell my parents that she was pregnant and we didn't find out until she was almost 6 months--you tell your mom you need to talk to her alone once you are private with her-you tell her that you need to tell her and you know its hard and you will get upset but i have unprotective sex and i think i might be pregnant.. if your mom gets upset well of course she will just tell her you didn't mean to her hurt this way just you made a mistake and you're sorry for it..maybe she understand you better and the first to know and help you--- please if you haven't gone to the doctor please make an appointment as so as possible-- like i said we didn't know my sister was pregnant until 6 months after.


You can tell your mom ANYTHING! Make sure to tell her and if you're not pregnant, talk to her about sex. Its never too late to ask your mom what to do if a guy wants to have sex with you.


You sit down with them, face to face, and tell them. Do not try to imagine how they'll react or what they'll say. After all, the pregnancy is the consequence of your actions, not theirs. Just be honest and open.


Just tell your mom, let her tell your dad. They will be dissapointed, but its better to tell them now so you can get prenatal care, get on wic, and do whatever else you need to. My mom found out the first day I knew. She was more upset with my boyfriend, not me.

First there gonna be mad at you they wont want to help you raise it but you just tell them before its too late


Well i was 28, when i first got pregnant and already married. So we surprised them at a birthday dinner party. But if you are young then you should tell them, sit them down and discuss it with them. You know there is movie I recommend for you to see if you are young, its called Juno. Its a good movie, watch that movie and then decide what you should do. Trust me, they will probably be disappointed at first but its there future grandchild.

It is best to tell them right away if you know for sure and they will have to accept your decision or possibly throw you out.


It won't be easy by any means, but then when is growing up ever easy? The best thing to do is to tell your parents, "I need to talk to's serious and I may need your help."

Be prepared for one or both of your parents to freak out. They may yell, scream, call you names, etc. Or they may be the laid back type of parents that keep their voices down. Either way, remember that their first reaction is probably going to be one of shock and disappointment. That's natural; most parents would prefer their children wait until adulthood or marriage to have babies. But let's get real. Teens get pregnant and they need their parents help, if not their approval.

After that first shock wears off, your parents will hopefully settle down into more of an acceptance phase. You never know, they may even start getting excited and buy baby clothes!

If you are a teen and you are pregnant, you're gonna have to tell your parents "obviously" , if you are looking this up right now, you are probably feeling awfully guilty, no i cant see you but i can imagine. And i just want to let you know, i am not here to judge you, it might not have been your fault plus i don't know who you are don't be mad at your self just take one breath at a time and continue to read. Ok once you know for SURE tell your mom first, she is normally more understanding with theis sort of stuff. Your mom will most likely look suprised, shocked, horrified, somewhat angry or she will start to cry. After talking with her for a while she will cool down ALOT. Your mom and dad love you and a mistake wont change that. When you have to tell your dad, have your mom help you, but if she refuses to do that then just come out in a conversation. One thing you never wanna do is txt them or email or even call that shows disrespect.Dont worry just tell them.

i have been in your situation before, and have abusive parents. its best if you get a close family member that's an adult to be there example: uncle, aunty sister, they will be mad but they love you and will get over it cause they need to realise that you need them.


It would depend on your relationship with your parents. If you have a decent relationship with them, you should sit them both down and tell them what has happened. If you expect a lot of trouble with the announcement, you should have a trusted family member like a grandparent present to help you with the reaction. Depending on which country you are in, abortion or adoption are options if you are too young to independently raise a child.

: You have to tell your parents the earlier you tell them the more time they have to get over the shock. It doesn't matter whether they are the type that do or do not understand that much. If you really feel that you can't talk to them remember who they are...they're your parents they will have to get over it one day. The sooner you tell them, the more time they will have to support through the decisions you make further about the future with the baby, whether or not you decide to keep it. : If you can't talk to them alone, I would say go to an adult, don't tell friends because it will usually cause a riot and a lot of gossip. You have to tell someone you truly trust, such as another relative that is older and that you tell everything to even your most embarrassing moments. Having them by your side and them helping you then tell your parents will make it easier for you.

Sit down and talk with your parents calmly. Tell them that you want to bring this child into this world and that you are sure that you and your boyfriend are capable. Also ask them if you have their support because you really need it. Most importantly, stay calm. Rememeber, they're your parents.

More info: There is no easy way to tell parents something like this, so the best way to do it is to just come out and say it. Get them both together, but away from any siblings or other relatives, and calmly tell them in private. Be prepared for the fact that your parents will be upset; this is normal, but it doesn't mean they don't love you anymore, or that they won't love your baby.

All parents want the best for their children, and learning that their child is pregnant will be devestating to them at first. They may even seem ashamed for others to know about the pregnancy at first, too. It won't mean they are ashamed of you so much as maybe being ashamed of others thinking they failed as parents. But again, this does not mean they don't love you. And they will get over any embarassment they may feel, as well as any initial anger.

Parents don't always know how to respond to news like this, so you will have to give them time to digest this information. To them, you are still their "little girl", and learning you are soon going to be a parent yourself is hard to accept at first. So no matter how upset they get, you have to keep in mind that they are just now dealing with the fact that their "little girl" has not only been having sex, but is also going to have a baby. After they have had time to let it sink in and had time to discuss it between themselves, they will probably then want to discuss it with you some more.

They will want to know what your plans are, or they may want to tell you what "their" plans for you and the baby are. Those plans may be thinking you should have an abortion, or that you should have the baby and give it up for adoption, or have it and keep it.

There is just no way of knowing what their feelings on that will be. But in the end, while it is your decision to make, you really need to listen very carefully to the advice they do give you. After all, they are the ones who love you more than anyone else ever has, and they want what's best for you, and for your baby. You have to be prepared to follow through with whatever decision you do make, so you need to do all you can to make an informed decision.


You sit down with them, face to face, and tell them. Do not try to imagine how they'll react or what they'll say. After all, the pregnancy is the consequence of your actions, not theirs. Just be honest and open.

First think of the words you would like to say. Then, at the right moment, use your voice box to project the sound up your throat and through the mouth. The sound will reach your parents quite fast, sound travels at 330m per second so don't worry too much about awkward silences.

Mom, dad . . . I have really, really let you down -- I am pregnant.

or say mom i need to talk to u about something personal then say ur sorry then tell her

sit down with them and tell them very slow do not come out and say it


Its best to tell your mom first because moms are usually more sensitive. Just make sure you give her time for it to register then you can talk to her about it cuz she has been pregnant before. Then she casn help you tell yoeur dad. It should make the process a little easier. Best of luck

I really don't think there is a easy way to do that if you are young and single. I just said, "I'm pregnant." and they eventually got over it and supported me. That's the only way to do it, sweetie. Best of luck.


Why don't you leave the pregnancy test in the bathroom make sure he see's it and then say i need to tell you something that's what my sister did and she felt good after that and it was easy for her so kno whenever she's pregnant she just says it without hesitate.

If you are afraid of your parents, go to a pastor or counselor for help. If you have a good relationship with them, just get it over with, tell them both together. They will help you deal with it. "How" doesn't matter.

Choose a suitable time. Preferably when they're home together and at a relaxed period in time to provide an indulgent and supportive atmosphere. Then start from the beginning. Remain calm and clear so you do not confuse the situation and create an angry and confused outburst.

Don't be surprised when the conversation gets heated - walk away and give them time to absorb what you have told them.

Seek out a trusted adult if you need help in breaking this to your parents - do so as soon as possible.

First of all I'm an evangelist, and I'm not going to tell you intentionally wrong. Second i assume you aren't married, so the step you need to take first is to ask GOD to forgive you for what you've already done, sex out of marriage is not of the will of God, but he will forgive you, handle that first trust me. Then PRAY and asked God to guide you to do and say the right things.I don't think God would mind you getting a pregnancy test done, you can even by the pregnancy tests now days.Then if you're pregnant then ask GOD to give you the words to say to your parents. Ask him to go in front of you first and I promise it will all work for your good.Get CHRIST in your life baby, because we all have to have him in our lives if we ever want to prosper. Having sex is not cool as you think and getting pregnant is a life time contract to your child, whether they small or grown they will always be on your mind.(As my late mother use to say when they're young, they'll on your hand and when they're grown, they'll on your heart).In todays newspapers i read the obitruary and i usually see were a young lady have a baby that passed, she'll list her name but not the fathers,something is wrong with that picture don't you think.Please let God in your life today.God Bless You baby.

well, i guess you just have to say it, as they are oging to find out anyway, just say it fair amnd straight. 'mum, dad, i am pregant.' they cant change it, if you are scared, then tell them about the fact that you are scared, and worried, maybe, get an abortion .. its an idea.

First, think of your options. Be ready to discuss a plan with them. What hurts a parent more is that you are 'their' baby, and now you will be having one of your own. The sooner you tell them the better. Depending on your age, more than likely, it's their insurance which will be paying for the birth. You need to see the Dr. ASAP, as pre-natal care is vital to the health of you and your baby. I've had to do it, with the most strict Father EVER. If they love you enough, they will understand and accept it.

The most important thing is to be honest with them. Find a time when you and your parents can sit down without interruption. It's important not to try and avoid telling them; they can help you more than anyone else. Take a deep breath and say, "Mom, Dad, there's something I need to tell you - I'm pregnant." Talk the matter out with them. You'll make it through.

Hi! so its hard especially if your a teenager (like i was). Dont leave it in the bathroom, it shows your careless. But Sit them down in a very mature manner and Just say... " Mum, Dad (who ever). I really wasn't expecting to ever sit with you at this age and tell you something like this (shows that you can admit to your faults), but I am pregnant. (coming straight out with it helps). Now i am willing to support the child through whatever it needs but i would really love your help (if you want their help) Now abortion and addoption i have thought of and none really appeal (if they do say so and also say but i am willing to discuss my research with you). Say who the farther is, how many weeks you are and wether or not you have been to the hospital.

Remember be MATURE!

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12y ago

First tell them that you are pregnant then tell them that you know what you did was wrong but that you thought you were ready for that type of commitment.

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12y ago

Any way you choose.... 18 is an adult. You can tell them or you can choose not to.

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16y ago

Tell them.

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Q: How can you tell your parents your pregnant at 18?
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As fast as you can. The longer you keep it for yourself, the more it will consume you. Parents will probably also be angry if you keep the fact from them for a long time.

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Um if you are over 18 or a legal adult you just tell them.However if they have custody over you then good luck trying to move out. Untill you are an adult whatever your parents say goes. Sorry.

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No, if you are pregnant and under the age of 18 you are not leagally emancipated from your parents at all until you are 18 then you can be on your own. Just because you have a baby doesn't mean your an adult.

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Tell one first, alone in your room. He/she can then tell the other parent. Just say "I'm pregnant".

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No you have to be 18.

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