

Best Answer

Try swimming.

Or maybe just try crunches.

But seriously? If you can't figure it out...

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Q: How can you tighten your core muscles without getting discouraged I have been going to the gym for about five months now and everything else seems to be getting toned up except for my stomach?
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Why do you have sphincter muscles at the entrance and exist of the stomach?

to help keep everything in line

What muscles are same as stomach muscles?

Stomach muscles

Why is your stomach getting bigger with sit ups?

Sit ups do not burn stomach fat. Sit ups build and tone stomach muscles.

What does it mean when your stomach won't stop growing?

If your stomach won't stop growing, it could be a sign of bloating from gas, overeating, digestive issues, or underlying medical conditions. It's important to monitor your diet, stay hydrated, and consult a healthcare provider if you are concerned.

These muscles can move food in your stomach?

these muscles can move in your stomach in not a referable question pleese comment

What is urnia?

you may be speaking of a Hurnia, an injury to the stomach muscles when the intestines come through the muscles of the stomach

What can you do to get stomach muscles?

do excerice

What is the stomach muscles?

an adbomas

Does stomach has muscles?

There are actually FOUR layers of muscle in the stomach.

Why you your stomach sore after you do sit ups does it mean am getting a six pack?

Youre just working muscles that you normally dont work

What is the medical term meaning study of the stomach?

Gastric muscularis is a general term for the muscular layer of the stomach. It is made up of a group of muscles, each with their own name. Muscularis externa is also used to describe the stomach muscles. It differs from the other gastrointestinal organs in that it has 3 layers of smooth muscle instead of two. Please keep in mind that "stomach" muscles in anatomy are different from abdominal muscles. Many people refer to toning the abdominal region as getting a "hard stomach".

When the diaphragm and stomach muscles come into contact with each other and make jerking movements to push everything up into the esophagus what is this called?

Throwing up.