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Technically, you can't. Someone's sexuality is not a choice and is unchangeable. However, if a girl (or anybody really,) seems to be straight, it is still possible they could be gay or bisexual and just haven't realized it yet. If you wanted to "help them realize their sexuality" you could try some flirting or flattering and see how they react. Also, establish an unbreakable trust, that way, if they really aren't straight, they'll feel safe telling you.

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13y ago
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14y ago

You can not turn a girl into a bisexual. Who turned you? How long have you been bisexual yourself? If the answers are "my current lover(s)" and "more than five years", then you would know you can't "turn" someone. You have to be that way.

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11y ago

You cannot turn a straight person gay, it is not possible. This is the same for any sexual orientation. You are born with it and nothing you do will change it. It is best to accept it and move on with life.

I suspect you want to turn the straight person gay because you may like him or have attractions for him. If this is the case, you should let him know of your feelings. Talk to him respectfully, keep an open mind and be honest with your opinions.

If he is a good friend of yours, it may be best to move on with your feelings and not talk to him about it. Some men may be offended and end up walking away from your friendship.

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12y ago

I would assume that if the other girl is straight, it would be very unlikely for her to desire sexual contact like that with another girl..

However, there is the possibility that the other girl is actually bi, with many people only realising their sexuality AFTER sexual contact.

Or she may be bi-curious and would not mind kissing/cuddling etc, but would not like to take things further, and thus refrain from doing so.


And if all else fails there's always my own tried & tested theory... that alcohol makes everyone bi ;)

(I don't mean that you take advantage, I mean that with lowered inhibitions guys/girls no longer suppress their feelings, allowing any hidden homosexual desires to surface)

However, if either of you is not legal to drink, I'm not encouraging you to do so.

And always remember to DRINK SENSIBLY.

[Eg; No passing out, no throwing up, no doing stupid things that you end up regretting]

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13y ago

1. Honestly, from a gay dudes prospective I don't think it's possible. Someone has to WANT to be bisexual to actual be bisexual.

It's not something they can decide or that you can.

A way to TRY and make them bisexual is to show them "things" that could be interesting if they were bisexual.

Power of persuasion i suppose.

And if they're not willing to try than ( if you're that desperate ) get them drunk enough to do something they wouldn't normally do but not drunk enough that they will forget.

And then take it from there.

But that is taking advantage and it is considered wrong in most people's opinions.

Since it's your friend it's up to you.

2. You can't really turn anyone into anything. If they're straight, they'll always be straight. If they're bisexual, they'll always be bisexual. The same with being homosexual. It's not something you can change about someone, it's something that is learned or discovered over time. If they are attracted to both sexes, bisexual, but you can't make them be attracted to both sexes. It's just who they are.

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13y ago

You can't turn a girl straight by showing her the wonderful things about being straight and all the things you can do because: They don't like being straight. That is the reason they are lesbian.

Actually, they aren't lesbians because they don't like being straight. They're lesbians because they were born that way.

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10y ago

Nobody can turn gay. Sexual orientation is something you're born with, and it is natural and unchangeable.

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