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The only way to verify if someone is genuinely gay is by asking him. While there are some theories that you can judge a person's sexual orientation by the clothes he wears or by his actions, these are often unsubstantiated and inaccurate.

If the person is your friend, he would not mind you asking him, and he will most likely be honest with you. Whatever his answer, do not comment negatively or put him down. Also, do not accuse him of lying if your think he is not telling the truth.

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12y ago
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12y ago

easy. just take a deep breath and ask them in private ;)

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13y ago

You don't know, unless you ask. You may assume they are gay or think they act gay. But you don't know for sure unless they tell you they are; or they prove it.

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14y ago

The only proven method is to ask them.

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It's actually not an appropriate question--and if you ask, he may or may not tell you the truth. When someone tells you they are gay, it's called "coming out," and it's the gay person's business to come out--not yours. If you want someone to come out to you, make sure they understand from your other statements and actions that you are someone trustworthy and safe to come out to: if you are not that kind of person, or if you are homophobic, no one will come out to you.

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just because someone asks you if you are gay does NOT mean that they are gay. but they could be. but just because they ask you, if your gay... in that case not necessarily.

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Sexual orientation is not something that someone is born with or "becomes" at a certain point in their life. John Barrowman has been open about his sexuality and has identified as gay for many years. It is important to understand that being gay is simply a natural part of who someone is, rather than a choice or a change.

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You can't tell if someone is gay by looking at their hands.

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If they say they are not gay that is it. They are not gay.

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No, however, attempting to insult someone by calling them gay is ignorant.

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Being gay is not an insult. If someone calls you gay, you can either say thank you, or "at least I'm not a homophobe" (someone who hates or fears gay people).

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It is a term for someone who has not come out and admitted they are gay.

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Marvin's not gay, he is dating someone from the Saturdays. No question he is not gay.