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They were fawning over the players.

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Q: How can you use fawning in a sentence?
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How do you use fawning in a sentence?

I fawned when I talked to the nice man

How do you use the word fawning in a sentence?

The fawn followed its mother through the deep, evergreen forest. First, you have to think of a sentence using the word fawn.

How do you use publican in a sentence?

"How like a fawning publican he looks." That's the sentence Shakespeare used it in.

Can you use endear in a sentence?

Although he sought to endear himself to me I found him to be repulsive and fawning.

How do you use the word uxorious in a sentence?

(The adjective uxorious means showing excessive fondness to one's wife.) His uxorious fawning aside, he secretly resented his wife's success.

How do you use sycophantically in a sentence?

An adverb meaning "flatteringly" or "characterized by slavish praise or fawning", "sycophantically" may be utilized in different ways in a sentence. One possible use is illustrated here: "He spoke so sycophantically that even his praise-loving boss stopped what she was doing, turned to look directly at him, and shook her head with disapproval."

What is the meaning of fawning?

of Fawn

What is the Definition of Fawning?

of Fawn

Use toadies in a sentence?

Meaning "those who flatter" or "fawning persons," the word "toadies" is not common in contemporary English but can be quite usefully employed. One example-sentence for it is as follows: "Being surrounded by toadies in the nation's capital, the senator was surprised when he returned back home: people told him exactly what they thought."

What is a fawning dog?

Keeps licking your face

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What rhymes with awning?

Some words that rhyme with "awning" include dawning, fawning, spawning, and yawning.