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You can cycle and walk to places instead of actually going in a car van loryy bus which uses petrol

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Q: How can you use less fuel for transport?
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How could we use less fuel?

Travel less by fuel guzzling transport (aeroplanes, single occupant vehicles), turn down the central heating, switch off any unnecessary lighting in the home, and don't have TVs left on standby.

Positive impacts of conserving fuel?

Basically the less fuel you use the less fuel you have to dig, pump or blast out of the ground.

Which is the bulky fuel to transport?

Biomass is the bulky fuel to transport

What does secondary footprint mean?

the primary footprint is made from burning fuel , from the transport we use and energy we use

Why cng is called clean fuel?

Compressed Natural Gas is a cleaner fuel because it produce less or neglible amount of residue and smoke. Nowadays, petrol and diesel is being replacedby CNG in transport fuel as it cause less harm to the environment

How you can use less fuel for heating your homes?

By using less fuel, adjusting the thermostat down, and wearing more clothes.

Why does the oil company not want us to use hybrids?

Because we would need less fuel. Less Fuel = Less money for Oil companies

How do you reset the fuel pump on a 1995 transport?

GM vehicles do not use inertia/reset switches

What motor has the lowest fuel consumption?

Basically the smaller the engine the less fuel it will use.

How much fuel does an oil tanker use to transport oil?

According to the CTF (Commercial Tankership Federation), the average hourly fuel consumption of a fully laden, large scale tanker ranges between 12,000 to 37,000 Litres (pre - refinement filtering). This is only a fraction of the carrying capacity of the tanker, and is also significantly less than other modes of transport equivalent fuel including train and road freight.

What are the benefits of using oil as for heathing and transport?

The benefits for using oil as a fuel for transport is it is easy and reasonably cheap to transport the fuel from the source to the destination.

Do Hybrid cars use less fuel?

no hybrids use the same amount of fuel as other cars but u can also use electriceity