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First, your son's father's conviction has exactly nothing to do with the situation.

Regarding the adoption situation, you wait until after you are married. Then you petition the court for your husband to adopt your son.

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Q: How can your fiance adopt your son When bio father is not in his life and has not been since he was 18 months and the bio father is a sex offender?
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If you marry your fiance who does not have legal custody of your son does your fiance have any legal rights toward him?

No. If the fiance is the natural father, then he does have rights to his son. Getting married doesn't give him legal rights to your child (assuming he is not the father). He must adopt in order to have legal rights.

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Only if the non-custodial parent give up his parental rights.

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He doesn't have to adopt the baby. He's already the legal father.

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Your actual father (biological father or husband of your mother at the time of your birth) does not need to adopt you; you are already his child. What is usually more relevant is "how does your step-father adopt you" or "how does your dad get exclusive custody of you." The answers to these questions differ greatly from state to state and country to country.

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If your birth father allowed your step father to adopt you, you do not have rights to your birth father's estate where I am sitting; however, 10 feet behind me you do. See a lawyer.

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Contact a lawyer dealing with adoptions. Since you have all the papers it shouldn't be a problem.

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absolutely not, no one can adopt any one without the proper court orders

Getting married and husband wants to adopt your children from a prior marriage and you have full legal custody of all your children?

You still must have permission of the father. There are a few states where if you're been denying the father access to the child for six months or more, the permission is not needed.

What is the maximum age a father can be to adopt?

ask a vet she or he would know.