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The menstrual cycle is a normal part of female health. It should not be prevented. The best way to prevent it is to get a hysterectomy and remove the female organs. Otherwise, you need to let your body proceed naturally for optimum health and development.

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Take Birth Control!...But at least a month or three weeks in advance before the date of your big event!

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Q: How can your prevent menstruation?
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How do you get through PMS?

PMS is a socially constructed illness, it's a vague collection of symptoms attributed to menstruation that can be a result of your feelings towards menstruation. The first step in surviving menstruation is thus changing your attitude towards menstruation and learning more about it. You then look at individual symptoms to determine if they are actually related to menstruation, and look into how to prevent any negative symptoms.

I have been a bit stressed lately can this make me skip or miss my period?

Yes, stress or ill-health can delay or cause you to skip menstruation. If you're under stress or ill your body will prevent ovulation in order to prevent you falling pregnant when it can't cope, thus in turn delaying menstruation.

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HIV does not prevent menstruation. Women with HIV still have periods.

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You should marry immediately to prevent this from happening in the future.

When you have your period does it be painful?

Menstruation can be painful, but not always and no one should tolerate pain thinking that it's normal. Menstrual cramps are common but not a normal part of healthy menstruation, most women can easily prevent cramps as long as there is no underlying health problem.

How stressed do you half to be to delay a period?

When we talk about stress delaying menstruation it has to be stressed enough to cause physical strain. Stress can delay ovulation as the body will try to prevent pregnancy when it can't cope, and thus in turn delayed ovulation leads to delayed menstruation.

Does bananas help you with your on your period?

Bananas can help some women during menstruation, they're a source of potassium which is needed in menstruation and can help to prevent menstrual cramps or other symptoms of 'PMS'. Generally speaking a good overall diet will help prevent a wide range of menstrual problems, eating banana's during menstruation isn't nearly as useful as a healthy balanced diet throughout your cycle.

The shedding of the lining in the woman's uterus once a month is called what?

When the uterine lining sheds this is typically called menstruation. Although women on hormonal birth control will experience a faux period in the form of a withdrawal bleed.

To prevent menstruation and to sustain pregnancy the trophoblast cells of the implanted embryo must secrete for the first five or six weeks?

human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

Why menstruation is late?

It could be irregular menstruation. If you are the one having late menstruation, I might suggest for you to go the doctor and ask more information about late menstruation. But yes, one option is irregular menstruation.

What is the effect of antibiotic on menstruation?

Medicines can change menstruation.

The beginning of menstruation is called?

The beginning of menstruation is called