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Q: How co-curricular project to foster racial unity amogst students of different races?
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Very common, it shouldn't be though. i myself have met (online) a cyberbully and even a petafile! If they ask you Q's log off straight away.

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You simply tell your best friend, how you feel about them, and when confiding in them, let them know that you want to keep this between you and them only. Hopefully, if they are a true best friend, they would do that and keep what you guys talk about amogst themselves only.

Who conquered the Greek Empire in the second century BC?

There was no Greek empire. After Alexander the Great's death, his generals divided the empire amogst themselves, forming what we call today the Hellenistic kingdoms - Macedonia, Egypt, Syria and Pergamon. These kingdoms were progressively absorbed into the Roman Empire in the Second and First Centuries BCE.

What happens when the urinary system does not function properly?

It all depends on how bad it is, but basically if your kidneys dont function properly your body will retain water and your blood, liver amogst other things can not get rid of toxins. If it is where a person doesnt urinate then dialysis will be needed immediately or the immune system will eventually breakdown and lead to other complications.

Describe what happens when the urinary system does not function properly.?

It all depends on how bad it is, but basically if your kidneys dont function properly your body will retain water and your blood, liver amogst other things can not get rid of toxins. If it is where a person doesnt urinate then dialysis will be needed immediately or the immune system will eventually breakdown and lead to other complications.

Why did the Greeks develop colonies in Asia Minor?

Even with constant wars amogst each other, their fuecudity meant that their sparse agricultural land could not suppost a burgeoning population, so the city-states sent shipped out their surplus populations to sieze new land and establish new city-states, stretching around the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

How did gaining control of the Delian League increase Athens?

The League, which it led against the Persians, after the wars was turned into an empire by Athens. It supplied money, manpower and warships to give Athens power amogst the other Greeks, and money to spend on glorifying the city, promoting culture and putting half its citizens on the public payroll, as well as 100 warships to enforce the tax collection, and attempt to stand over other city disputes.

What are two things that Alexander the Great did to make conquered peoples more willing to accept his rule?

He established over 70 Greek-style city-states to act as models fore social development (modestly naming nearly half of them Alexandria after himself); he married his senior followers to Persian women to create a new nobility with Greek values; h e tried to establish Greek as a lingua franca; he kept importing Greek mercenaries to keep control of rebellious territories. He died shortly after completing his conquest, the empire was split amogst his generals who established competing kingdoms, so the unifying ideal was lost in the competition which followed.

What countries has Norway gotten help from?

Norway has not been in need of help as a nation very many times in history, but it has recieved help two notable times: 1) Back in the century, 2/3 of the norwegian population was eradicated as a result of the "black death" or bubonic plague. Denmark shortly after invaded and took over the weakened norway, and forced it into a union. Many concider this help, seeing as Norway was potentially too weakened to take care of itself at the time 2) Shortly after world war two, Norway was amogst the countries that recieved help from the american "Marshall Help Program", and machinery and other help was provided in the effort of rebuilding Norway after the German invation. That's at least something :P

Why are Celts Celts?

Celts were not in-fact barbaric. yes, there was alot of clan fighting in the later 15th-16th centries between one or two clans, but then again alot of countries all around the world fought amogst themselves and still do. People think that they were particularly barbaric in around 43AD and beyond, but the Scots were only defending their country from people attempting to invade at the time (the Romans) As for the heads on spikes story we don't know if that's actually true, but if it was they would not have been in gardens or houses as trophies in particular, but as warnings to what happens if you mess with Celts. Romans set out crosses with crucified people hanging outside major roads and English hung criminals on chains on city walls. Celts were not as barbaric as people make them out to be. I am decended from Celtic blood, and am positive that they were just trying to survive at the time, and behaving like all other races of peoples at the time. hope this helps. VocmegholBAIN mar sin leigh...