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Q: How colonists showed opposition in townshend act 1767?
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What type of tax was the townshend act?

The Townshend Acts were a type of external tax. The Townshend Acts were enacted in 1767 and the colonists were opposed to it.

Why were colonists against the townshend acts in 1767?

Colonists had fears of the Townshend Act of 1767. The Act gave the right to tax and the revenue was used to pay governors loyal to Britain.

When did the townshend act start?


What act was passed to punish colonists for rebelling against Stamp Act?

The Townshend Act was passed in 1767 after the Colonists rebelled against the Stamp Act. The Townshend Act was a tax on glass, paint, lead, tea and other things the Colonists needed.

How did colonists protest the townshed?

One method the Colonists used to protest the Townshend Acts was boycotting British goods. There were riots as well. These acts began in 1767.

Who created the Townshend Act in 1767?

Charles Townshend created them.

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What was specific about the 1767 Townshend Acts

What was the year of the townshend act?


When was the townshed act imposed?

The Townshend Acts were passed by the Britain's for the colonists in America. The acts were made to get money to pay the politicians.

On what date were the Townshend Acts passed?


In 1767 Parliament imposed the so-called Townshend duties upon the colonists. What is an example of these duties?

An import tax was placed on items like glass and paint.

What year did the Townshend Acts make the colonists pay taxes on every day products?

it is either 1767 1772 1773 1774 not sure