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Biomass energy comes from growing vegetation and then burning it to produce energy. This can be done quickly and locally and many organic materials can be used, often the residue from sugar cane or the offcuts from sustainable timber. This is why it is cheap. It is also carbon neutral so it does not affect global warming.

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Q: How come biomass energy is cheap?
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Does biomass energy only come from plants?

Biomass is material derived from living organisms. The term biomass for energy is often used to refer to plant based materials, but it can equally apply to animal, as well as vegetable matter--the key is 'living organisms'. So no, biomass engergy does not ONLY come from plants.

What are some of the advantages of biopower?

advantages of biomass energy is that it 1. can be found almost everywhere and 2. it is cheap

How cheap would biomass be?

biomass is not cheap..biomass would cost almost twice as much on average as gas or coal-fired electricity.

How is the energy from biomass released?

Energy from biomass is released by combustion.

How much does biomass energy?

Biomass energy produces 3% of the worlds energy

Biomass involves burning organic materials to release chemical energy What are the steps in the Carbon Cycle that describes this process?

biomass burning is perceived as being a sensible form of energy generation. ... So the potential is there for a substantial fraction of our energy budget to come from biomass burning.

What counties use biomass energy?

no one uses biomass energy

Where is biomass energy used now?

Biomass energy is widely used. One state that uses biomass is Oregon.

What is the energy flow and the biomass in the taiga ecosystem?

fast energy flow in the biomass

Is biomass energy available everywhere?

biomass energy is located everywhere on this planet!

How does photosynthesis produse biomass?

Biomass fuels come from living things. Wood is a biomass fuel. As long as we continue to plant new trees to replace those cut down, we will always have wood to burn. Just as with the fossil fuels, the energy stored in biomass fuels came originally from the Sun.