

How come syrup absorbs heat faster than water?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Syrup, because water is a poor conductor, and because syrup has lots of stuff in it besides water that conducts heat somewhat better than water. For example, if I put water in the microwave for 30 secs, it won't be as hot if I put syrup in the microwave also for 30 secs.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Water has one of the highest heat capacities (or specific heat) of any compound. This means that it takes more energy to heat a given weight of water than almost any other material. Similarly, when cooling down water, water releases more heat than almost any other material. This means that other materials will heat up or cool down quicker than water, and they will transfer less heat in doing so. This is one reason why water is an important coolant.

Temperature has to do with the kinetic energy of the liquid particles. the forces between those particles determine how difficult it is to get them moving more or less (to heat or cool them), so the specific heat has a lot to do with the intermolecular forces between the particles in a substance. Water has very strong hydrogen bonding for such small molecules, which give it its high heat capacity, high boiling point, high viscosity, and high surface tension for such a small molecule. Hydrogen bonds are the forces between the plus and minus charges between separate molecules that hold some substances together--they are not "true" chemical bonds.

So basically, in syrup, the molecules aren't holding together quite as strongly, so its easier to raise their kinetic energy--to get them shaking more--than it is with water. But then it's easier to slow them down as well compared to water.

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