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There are many reasons, although no matter what the reason, you shouldn't be a bully. One reason is an incident at their home. You never know what they're going through, and they are taking it out on you. Why you? Well, it could've been anyone really. Nothing personal. Another reason is the bully wants to feel powerful, and be better than everyone. They may want to look cool. But bullying is NOT, I repeat NOT cool. It's the most hurtful thing ever. I've been bullied cause of my nose, but really, I ignored them. Bullies bully others to make the bully feel good about themselves by pointing out other peoples flaws.

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Q: How come the bullies bully the victims?
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Related questions

Are bullies victims too?

Mostly they are. Bullies have usually been bullied before and they have decided to bully those that bullied them to see how they feel.

How do you spell bully plural?

The plural form of "bully" is "bullies."

What if a bully picks on someone who has not done anything wrong?

There is a very serious misconception in this question! Bullies are not punishing their victims for anything that the victim did wrong! Bullies are simply hurting their victims because they can get away with it with no punishment for their actions.Lets quit blaming the victim people. Put the blame where it belongs, on the bullies!

What kind of injury will you get if you bully?

You may get any type of injury if you bully. Your victims may defend themselves or assault you back. Some bullies even get killed while bullying. So don't be a bully.

How are they attract bullies to the victims?

Bullies ONLY seek out victims that are physically weaker than they are - so they feel good when they beat someone up ! In reality - it's the BULLY that's the weaker person because they have to use violence to get themselves noticed !

What is the plural of bully?

The plural of 'Bully' is 'Bullies'.

Why is it that when you go to a new school the old kids bully kids?

Its not the old kids, its the old bullies; they are looking for new victims that they might be able to get away bullying, they are likely bored with their old victims. Most kids at your new school won't bully you.

What is the biggest reson girls are bullyed?

because bullies are jealous of them bullies don't like them, bullies bully them because they are mean, or bullies bully because the girls are uncool

What is team bullying?

Team bullying is when a group of bullies commits bullying on one or several victims, rather than there being only one bully. The group of bullies generally have a leader, and the rest back him up.

What is the rootword of bullies?


What are the disadvantages of outdoor pursuits?

One disadvantage is that there may be bullies in the school. The bullies may behave in front of teachers, but if the teacher's back is turned, the bully will most likely hurt their target victims.

What is the bully chapter nine about?

its about bullies