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Q: How could explorers sailing west from Europe have reached Asia?
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Columbus thought that Asia could be reached by sailing .?


Who reached the Caribbean because he felt he could reach east by sailing west?

That was Christopher Columbus.

Who created the map of the world that led Columbus to believe Asia could be reached by sailing west from the coast of Africa?

Ptolemy created the map of the world that led Columbus to believe Asia could be reached by sailing west from the coast of Africa. It became the best existing map of the world.

Who were the norsemen who terrorized Europe using their masterful sailing skills?

They were Viking berserkers. Their goals were to gain as much treasure and gold as they could.

What continent would you reach if you sailed south from Europe?

Africa would be the main answer, but there are parts of Europe where you could sail south and reach Asia, like sailing across the Black Sea to Turkey.

Which of these is a true statementChristopher Columbus was convinced that he could reach Africa by sailing east?

Christopher Columbus was convinced that he could reach Asia by sailing west.

Why do you think it took man so long to reach Antarctica?

Early explorers used ships as their exploration vehicles. Both polar ocean waters are filled with icebergs and sailing in them is not only dangerous but extremely cold. Until the technology -- reinforced hulls, for example -- supported expeditions into these extreme situations, Antarctica could not reached.

What similarities exist between todays space explorations and the expeditions of European explorers 500 years ago?

Both are facing the unknown. We did not know what could happen in space. Sailors in the 1400s did not know what would happen sailing west.

Why were kingdoms in Europe sending out explorers?

So they can find a route to East Asia,where they could buy spices for cheap,and from the spices they would earn alot of money.

What was the sailing technology of 1519?

It was harder because they didn't have the technology we have today. they didn't have the supplies we have and they also didn't have a good built boat. They also thought the world was flat and they could fall off if they reached the end.

Why did Spain give Christopher Columbus a ship to sail?

He convinced Spain he could get to Asia faster, (and the very valuable spices that were there), by sailing West, around the world, than the time it would take to get to Asia by traveling to the East. Unfortunately for Christopher Columbus, the Earth was bigger than he thought it was and he reached the Americas, instead of Asia, by sailing West. It was one of the greatest failures in the history of the human race. Columbus failed to reach Asia, but, he got to the Americas, and other explorers who might have gotten to the Americas (Leif Erickson, Viking for example) had no impact on the world as a result of their discovery.

Which is more correct you could be reached at a phone no or you could be reached on a phone no?

You should say "you could be reached on a phone no", not "you could be reached at a phone no"But the no at the end of both your phrases is also grammatically incorrect.So you should really say "you could not be reached on a phone," if I understand correctly the meaning of you phrase.