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If they had access to irrigation and had irrigation equipment set up, then they would use that to prevent crops from getting to dried up. Others who have or had no access to irrigation would simply have to hope the rains come soon and that the drought won't last for too long. These latter farmers rely on the rain to water their fields, primarily because the location has been known to have a high annual precipitation or high annual rain fall.

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Q: How could farmers water crops when it was hot?
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How many farmers water crops in Afghanistan and Iran?

Each and everyone of them. It's hot and dry area, even the ones growing crops near watersources have to water their crops time to time.Although, if you want to nit-pick then I suppose the farmers that are currently in the military do not water crops.

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yes. they can grow crops twice a year thanks to the hot climate

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During summer season there will be scarcity of water ,and the crops cannot survive from this hot season.

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When the weather gets too cold, crops can die of freezing temperatures. In the other hand, if the weather gets too hot, crops can die of dehydration/lack of water.

What are facts about Ancient Mesopotamian Irrigation and Farming?

Mhad a semisrid climate(very hot). A ancient mesapotamia irrigation farming was created so that farmers would easily water crops,due to irrgation the farmers had surplus of food. by:juliana lee

How do crops grow in hot countries with limited water?

the irrigation system. it is to use water more effectively and more priority for the crops.

What made it possible for indus valley farmers to havest crops two times a year?

Thanks to the Indus Valley's hot climate, crops grew quickly. Archaeologists believe that this made it possible for farmers to plant and harvest twice a year. 😃

What time of year did the Nile River help with crops the most?

The Nile River helped with crops the most every year in Summer - when it was too hot for the crops to be naturally moist, so the River was a nearby source for the farmers to use.

What crops are grown in Death Valley climate?

None. People say that crops can grow but they cannot. Since the temperature is so hot and dry, the sun produces so many light that is can cause a disease in the crops. If you want to grow crops in Death Valley then you have to go to the park because the trees cover the sunlight so farmers provide them enough water and sunlight to grow. I hope this helps. :)

What could be wrong when there is no hot water but the hot water tank seems to be working?

air lock in hot water pipe

Why is hot water havier then could water?

You are wrong ! - Cold water is heavier ( denser ) than hot water.

How did ancient farmers in their region make their land productive?

Actually, while I am not sure what region you are in, most ancient farmers tried to grow crops that were right for the climate (for example, if they were in a hot, dry climate, they grew crops that did not require a lot of water), and for other kinds of crops, they tried to locate near to a source of irrigation. Rivers were very important in ancient times-- some cultures even worshiped them. Also, even in ancient times, farmers understood the importance of tilling the soil and taking good care of their fields. Interestingly, farmers in Biblical times understood crop rotation-- every seven years, they changed to a different crop or did not use certain fields, to make sure the soil had a chance to regenerate. And while there were various insects (like locusts) that attacked the crops, we are told that farmers were still able to grow various grains and fruits.