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Via the underground railroad

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Q: How could slaves leave their owners and go to Canada?
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The Life of Free blacks during slavery?

The free blacks during the slavery were called indentured slaves. They were the ones that were owned by the plantation owners, but they were also paid for the work that they had done on the plantation. When they served their time as a slave which was usually up to not exceeding three years they were freed and told that they could leave. Some of them stayed on and some left the plantations.

How did the former slaves make a living after the civil war?

In most cases, they did whatever they had been doing as slaves, with two differences: 1) If they didn't like the work, or the employer, they could leave and go somewhere else, and: 2) They got paid for what they were doing.

Why did many former slaves leave their old plantations after the civil war?

Many former slaves left their old plantations after the Civil War so they could experience freedom that the war brought to them. They wanted to know what it was like to go wherever they wanted, without having to get permission from an owner.

What were slaves lives outside of working on the plantations?

In the south there were no "free" slaves. Only the northern states had free blacks living. The slaves in the south had to have passes to leave the plantation and anyone who was black was a slave. If they were stopped by a white southerner they could be questioned, beaten, killed, and taken back to their owners. Those who escaped to the north had to be careful because the "free slave act" stated that any slave that was out could be considered a runaway slave. The slave catchers would go north and kidnap free blacks, chain them, and take them south as escaped slaves. One of the most famous cases of this was Northrup a free man who was taken against his will and it took him 25 years before he was able to return home. The slave catchers didn't care because they were paid for each black they returned south and as far as they were concerned there were no free blacks north or south.

What are some examples of slave codes?

Slave codes are strict rules of governing the behavior and punishment of enslaved Africans. Some codes did not allow slaves to leave the plantation without written permissions from the master. Some made it illegal to teach enslaved people to be literate (to read or write). Email me with questions!

Related questions

How else could slaves leave their owners and go to Canada?

get shipped off to another state or to just run away

How did slaves leave their owners other then escaping?

The term you are looking for is Manumission- the owner of a slave might free the slaves that he owned.

Did all slaves leave in the underground railroad?

The majority of slaves were not able to escape their owners and remained in slavery until the end of the Civil War.

What is the Indians called when they are in a mission?

They are called “Mission Indian “. They could leave the mission and were basically slaves.

What is Serfdom?

serfs where like slaves but they could leave serfdom is like slavery but the serfs could leave they just wouldn't have a place to live as they did being a serf to someones home

Which was slave and which was free?

Slaves were individuals who were considered legal property and were not free to leave their owners. Free individuals had the legal right to move about and make choices independently of others.

Why would plantation owner prefer slaves instead of indentured servants?

The children of female slaves didn't need to be bought.

Was moral suasion sufficient to end slavery?

If it had been, we would not have had the US Civil War. Even those Southerners who accepted the immorality of slavery could not end the practice, although some freed their own slaves. The large numbers of "unpaid" laborers to the Southern economy were irreplaceable, or so it seemed. Although slaves were expensive to care for, they could not easily leave their owners, and most of their children were born slaves. This meant that they were a reliable source of physical labor in the agricultural South.

Why did the Houston Aeros leave town to become the Iowa Wild?

The Houston Aeros left town to become the Iowa Wild because the owners could not reach a deal with the stadium owners.

Why did some fugitive slaves flee to Canada rather then stay in northern states?

Passage of Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 meant increased penalties against fugitive slaves and those who aided them. This lead many slaves to leave US territory altogether and seek refuge in Canada to evade US law.

Why were black slaves not allowed to marry?

Black slaves were often not allowed to legally marry because it undermined the institution of slavery by recognizing their personal relationships and potential for familyhood. By denying slaves the right to marry, slave owners could control their social bonds and reproductive activities for economic gain. Additionally, laws and customs in many slaveholding societies sought to maintain the social hierarchy and prevent the formation of strong family units among slaves.

How did slave masters treat their slaves?

Masters treated their slaves really horrible and they would do it because they THOUGHT they could. The owners would whip the slaves for no apparent reason, and if a slave was taught to read or write a slave owner would cut off his\her toes, then fingers, then any other body parts the 'master' thought the slaves didn't need.