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Monopolies would harm the U.S Economy because it would close out the window for competition, and free market.

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Q: How could the monopolies harm the U.S. Economy?
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One effect of monopolies on the US economy is that they have tended to?

reduce business competition

Why does the us have a modified free enterprise economy?

To prevent "evil monopolies" and to protect the rights of workers. Also to fulfill the needs of public goods and to promote and to encourage competition for the benefit of society.

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Was the Sherman Antitrust Act successful?

Not initially. The 1890 act was not used effectively until the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt, from 1901 to 1909. Roosevelt had studied the actions of US industrialists and became known as the "trust-buster" for his efforts to prevent monopolies from controlling entire areas of the US economy.

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NFL, Facebook, Netfix, and Microsoft

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Smoking it hurts our lungs, growing it boosts our economy. It's very complicated, but I can assure you that I'd rather smoke weed than cigarettes.

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There were no 'shoulds'. The US had a duty to it's citizens, not to those in a far off country. The US was facing increased tensions with Japan who had killed millions of civilians, it was still recovering from 'the great depression'. It is true that the US could have accepted Jews trying to flee from the Nazis, but it was afraid that they would harm the economy.

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by travling across the globe

How did robber barons create monopolies in the US in the 1800s?

By improving working conditions

What are monopolies and anti competitive legislation in the United Kingdom?

There are a myriad of monopolies in the UK. the leading monopoly is headed by free masons; the same as in the US. so what can we do about it? nothing much!!!