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Q: How could you enforce law on civil matter?
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Can the National Guard enforce civil law?

If ordered to do so by the state then yes.

Which statement best summarizes Lester Maddoxs opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

He felt that the federal government could not enforce the law effectively.

Why do sheriffs come looking for someone?

The Sheriff and his Deputies are law enforcement offices who have the authority to enforce BOTH criminal AND civil law (Police departments can only enforce criminal law!) They are also the agency that the court uses to serve the court's papers and enforce the court's orders.

In connection with the defense support of civil authorities program what best describes the legal term posse comitatus?

A law prohibiting federal military troops to enforce civilian laws.

What were the concerns a matter of civil law?


What are the differences between civil obligation from natural obligation?

Article 1423 of the New Civil Code (Philippines) classifies obligations into civil or natural. "Civil obligations are a right of action to compel their performance. Natural obligations, not being based on positive law but on equity and natural law, do not grant a right of action to enforce their performance, but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, they authorize the retention of what has been delivered or rendered by reason thereof".

Is copyright law criminal or civil law are you tried in criminal or civil courts?

Copyright law is a civil matter. But sometimes it can stray into criminal law, if for example you download a movie illegally that is a civil matter, but if you then sell copies of that movie it is criminal. To clarify, in the UK it is not illegal to buy 'pirate' DVDs but it is illegal to sell them.

Can a police officer interpret contract law?

They can read the document, if that's what you mean. But they cannot enforce any violations of the contract's provisions. Contracts are only enforceable under the civil law statutes. Police Officers interpret and enforce ONLY CRIMINAL law!

Is same-sex marriage a moral issue?

No. Marriage is a matter of civil law. The government does not attempt to enforce morality with respect to opposite-sex marriage or divorce. To do so only against same-sex couples is discriminatory.

Where did American laws originate?

The origins of the distinction between criminal and civil law lie in England, after the Norman Invasion. However, the first code of law which had no distinction between criminal and civil law, but did enforce criminal penalties, is that of the Sumerians.

Can the police help you retreive your personal belongings back by someone who is keeping it from you?

No! that is a civil matter and the police can not enforce civil law, you must settle it in a court. The police, however, can stand by to keep the peace if the other party is willing to let you remove the property.

Is there a law that forbids the use of nuclear weapons?

No, and who could possibly enforce one?