

How could you tell if your betta fish is a mouth-brooder?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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A Betta is not and can not be a mouth breeder/brooder. Bettas are Anabantids and have evolved to be bubblenest builders. That is what they do. Thay can not breed any other way.

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Q: How could you tell if your betta fish is a mouth-brooder?
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How do you tell a girl betta fish from a boy betta fish?

It's all in the tail. the males is larger and longer and the females is shorter.

How do you tell how old a betta fish is?

the size of it's fins and body

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How can you tell if it is a baby betta fish?

You would surely be aware if Bettas have been spawing in your tank. If they have, and nothing else has been spawning in there, then in all probablility the tiny fish you can see will be Betta.

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It is too low if it is below 24 or even 26 degrees celsius. A thermometer will let you know if it is in too cold for your betta.

How do you tell an adult betta fish from a baby betta fish?

Adult betta fish, specifically the males, will grow in the majority of their fins as juveniles. When you see bettas in the stores for sale, they are typically around 2 years old already since it takes time for their full finnage to appear.

Tell you how much the betta fish eat?

Check out my friend's role play website-

How do you tell fish bata apart as a boy or girl?

A girl Betta is dull and not as pretty as the male. But, a boy Betta is colorful and pretty to attract the female mate.

How can you tell when a siamees fighter fish is ill?

There are multiple diseases that can be inflicted on a betta. You can search on the web for some of the common diseases found in fish.

How can you tell if a male betta fish is dying?

it will always be at the top of the water with the upper side of it turned down

How can you tell if your Betta fish is a male fish or a female fish?

The male Betta splendens is a larger more colourful fish with much larger showier fins than the female. He will also flare up almost immediately when he sees his own image in a mirror. The females do not do this so readily.

What happens when you put two female betta fish together?

Nothing will happen but if you put a female betta fish and a male betta fish their going to figth so make sure to have that thing that separates them male betta fish can figth and if a male betta fish has babies separte them and keep them away from their parents and when they grow up check if their a male or a female if their female put them on the same tank put there might be a lot of females if i was u i will just sale them cuz i think you only have one tank but thats my opinion and if somebody needs a question just tell me my name is Allison Hamilton