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Denmark was overrun but not destroyed in 1941 and many Danish Jews were able to escape early in the war before the persecution of Jews really got into full swing. These Jews many who spoke German and other languages were able to start resistence groups in Denmark, France, and Belgium as the first Jews who saw the Holocaust coming if something wasn't done. They were mostly in the West and unable to really help the Poles, White Russian Jews and others in Eastern Europe who had their own undergrounds.

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Q: How danish Jews help to spark resistance efforts in other parts of German occupied Europe?
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How do you think the successful rescue of danish Jews helped to spark resistance efforts parts of German - occupied Europe?

The problem is that the Danish resistance had little to do with the escape of the Danish Jews, so where would the other groups take their example from. Unfortunately Denmark had one massive advantage over many other German-occupied countries; they had somewhere to escape to.

How did the rescue of the Danish Jews help to spark resistance efforts in other parts of German-occupied Europe?

The Danes stance was heroic, but the wheels sere already in motion. The mechanics of the Final Solution were in motion and the "just say No" position would have little effect on other occupied countries, particularly those with historical anti-semetic roots.

What was the goal of the D-Day invasion?

The liberation of the German-occupied countries of Europe and the final defeat of Germany.

How did the Jews become outsiders in 1941?

In German occupied Europe Jews were segregated by law.

How did the danish people free themselves from German forces in WWll?

We didn't, we were liberated by the Russians, the Brits and the Americans. However the last period of the occupation (from August 1943 to May 1944) leading up to the liberation by UK on the 4th of May 1945 the Danish resistance was among the most active resistance movements in the German occupied part of Europe.

What caused the d-day?

An allied need to enter German occupied Europe to end the war...........

What happened to the German in d-day?

Nazi-occupied Europe was attacked and successfully invaded by the Allies.

A major event marked the end of German resistance in Europe was?

The Battle of Bulge

How many places did the Holocaust take place?

The holocaust took place in Germany and in German occupied parts of Europe.

What is sixth June 1944 known as?

operation 'overlord', allied invasion against German forces in occupied Europe.

Was Prussia situated in western Europe?

Yes, Prussia was a German kingdom that occupied the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. However, Prussia spanned both Western Europe and Eastern Europe.

What people fought German occupation by using terrorists methods against German troops?

A resistance fighter is someone who fights for freedom against an invader in an occupied country often secretly or illegally.