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Q: How did 46 confederate soldiers stop the union from invading Texas?
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Were there union and confederate soldiers?

Yes there were. Although the Union outnumbered the Confederate soldiers...

What did the union soldiers call the gray uniformed Confederate soldiers?

They called the Confederate soldiers the Rebels or "Rebs"

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What was the goal of Confederate General Henry Siblely in Texas in 1862?

In February of 1862, Confederate General Henry Sibely marched north from Texas for the purpose of invading New Mexico. He win a narrow victory of Union troops and continued his invasion.

What was the death rate of Confederate soldiers in Union POW camps?

Approximately twelve percent death rate for Confederate in Union POW camps. The death rates of Union soldiers was slightly higher in Confederate POW camps.

How many US Civil War soldiers spent time in POW camps?

During the course of the US Civil War, many soldiers from both sides spent time in prisoner of war camps. It is estimated that 310,000 Confederate soldiers and 300,000 Union soldiers were prisoners of war. Some escaped and many Union soldiers were released by Union armies invading the South.

Who attacks the soldiers in the Civil War?

If it was the Confederate soldiers, the Union would attack the Confederates. If it was the Union soldiers, then the Confederates would attack the Union.

What did the confederate soldiers call the blue uniformed union soldiers?

The Yankees

What is the different of confederate and union?

Confederate soldiers fought for the South and state rights, Union fought to keep inslaved

How are the headstones of Confederate soldiers different from Union soldiers at Arlington?

Csa and flag

Similarities between Union and Confederate soldiers?

The major similarity was that they were all Americans. Confederate Soldiers suffered more than the Union soldiers. The Union On the other hand suffered also. But a difference about them is that Union Allowed African Americans. The Confederate only allowed White.The Both teams went to camp and trained.

How many union soldiers and confederate soldiers died in the first battle of bull run?

Union 460 Confederate 387 That is just the death count from the battle. Total casualties (Killed, MIA, Etc.) Union 2896 Confederate 1982