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His mother dipped him in the River Styx, but because she held on to him by the heel, that is the spot where he was vulnerable.

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Q: How did Achilles get his power?
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What were Achilles power?

He was super strong, fast, and a alot of stanima

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Achilles Tendon

The Achilles heel rises from what?

It is taken from the story 'the Illiad'. The hero Achilles had been dipped in the sacred river by his mother to make invulnerable to weapon attack; all of him got this power except his heel, which she was holding. So an Achilles heel is the weak spot.

How did Achilles use his power for good in The Iliad?

By killing as many as he can in battle, where men win glory.

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Why does Achilles leave battle?

Achilles leaves the battle in Homer's Iliad due to a conflict with King Agamemnon over a captured woman named Briseis. Achilles feels dishonored when Agamemnon takes Briseis from him, which leads to his decision to withdraw from the fighting and seek retribution.

How did Odysseus kill Achilles?

Odysseus did not kill Achilles. Paris killed Achilles.

What were Achilles symbols?

The Shield of Achilles

Does Achilles really love Briseis?

In the context of the Iliad, Achilles' relationship with Briseis is more about possession and honor rather than love. Achilles values Briseis as a symbolic representation of his status and authority, which is why he reacts so strongly when she is taken from him by Agamemnon. Their relationship is complex and reflects the power dynamics of that society.

Is your Achilles located on your foot?

Achilles often means the Achilles tendon, at the back of the heel.

What is the Greek god Achilles goddess for?

The goddess of Achilles is actually the "Mother" of Achilles and the answer is Thetis (The Mother of Achilles)

What does Achilles mean?

Achilles's name means "the grief of the people."