

How did Apollo 11 change the world?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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In my opinion, Apollo 11 and the rest of the space program proved to the rest of the world that the western free way of life was more innovative and more productive than the centrally planned and government run Communist way of doing things. Furthermore, it dramatically proved that we could precisely place a spacecraft onto a precise place on the Moon, implying that we could also place a nuclear warhead in a precise place on the Earth or anywhere else. This fact had a dramatic chilling effect on the prospect for nuclear war, proving to everyone that nuclear war was unwinnable.

So, in summary, Apollo 11 and radio free Europe and the McDonald's and Pizza Hut in Moscow all contributed to the end of the cold war and the prevention of world war III, and therefore encouraged the spread of democracy across eastern Europe and beyond. Without Apollo 11, the Chinese may never have allowed capitalism to grow and prosper, which in turn means they wouldn't be buying our government bonds. Quite an accomplishment if you ask me.

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Yes the Apollo 11 very much landed on the moon on 2o/6/1969. The whole world saw it.

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Apollo 11

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No Apollo 11 was not haunted.

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Apollo 11 was named after the Apollo program, which aimed to land a person on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. The number 11 designates that it was the eleventh mission in the Apollo program's series of lunar missions.

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First of Apollo 11 was not a Shuttle craft, as it mot at all reusable. It is called the apollo 11 after the other Apollo starting with Apollo 7.

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Apollo 11

Who launched Apollo 11?

N.A.S.A launched Apollo 11.