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For one point one of their gods Huizilopchtl was the one that told them through vision that the Aztecs would find their land where the eagle with a snake in it's beak on a cactus would be. This inspired theMexicans flag.

The godess Tonantzin or "Mother Earth" is the runner-up for the Virgin of Guadalupe a saint in Roman Catholicism. The Spaniards used this goddess as their eventual saint.

The Aztecs as well invented the number 0 and made an accurate calender that is the beginning for the calendar we use now. They where also one of the first people to make chocolate and introduce it to the Europeans.

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2d ago

Aztec religion has influenced today's world through its impact on art, culture, and mythology. Many modern Mexican traditions, festivals, and beliefs are rooted in Aztec religious practices. Additionally, Aztec gods and symbols continue to be part of popular culture and are often portrayed in art and media.

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Q: How did Aztecs religion influence todays world?
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Which term relates to the movement of people away from religion toward the influences of the modern world?

Secularization is the term that relates to the movement of people away from religion towards the influences of the modern world. It refers to the process where religion loses social and cultural influence, and individuals are more influenced by secular values and institutions.

Is the atlas of world religion subject specific atlas?

Yes, an atlas of world religion is a subject-specific atlas that typically focuses on mapping out the distribution of religious beliefs, practices, and traditions around the world. It provides geographic insight into the spread and influence of various religions across different regions and cultures.

Is saintist a religion?

Religion is for people who are influenced by mortals and try to influence others. Saintist on the other hand is inspired only by Saints (Saints are immortal since they do not identify with body but with spirit). he/she does not care much for the mortal world and religion.

Is organized religion both a positive and negative force in the world?

Organized religion can be a positive force by providing individuals with a sense of community, moral guidance, and hope. However, it can also be negative when it leads to division, intolerance, and conflict among different groups or promotes harmful beliefs or practices.

Which religion was least influenced be the Hebrews?

The religion that was least influened by the Hebrews, in my opinion, is the Japanese Shinto religion.Answer:Anything east (or south) of Afghanistan. plus the indigenous beliefs in the New World.

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