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Q: How did Barnes Wallace backspin bouncing bomb?
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Which is more destructive a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

the hydrogen bomb, is a nuclear bomb

Why batista bomb me?

Why not Batista Bomb you ?

Did Einstein invent the attomic bomb?

No, Einstein invented the nucular bomb, someone added to nucular bomb to create the atomic bomb

Is the nuclear bomb more powerful than the hydrogen bomb?

Nuclear bomb can mean either fission or fusion bomb. Hydrogen bomb means fusion bomb. The fusion bomb can be built with any yield one wants, just by adding more stages with more fuel. The fission bomb has a theoretical maximum yield that cannot be exceeded.

What is an uranium bomb?

a uranium bomb is a fission bomb using uranium as the fuela plutonium bomb is a fission bomb using plutonium as the fuela composite bomb is a fission bomb using both uranium and plutonium as the fuela levitated core bomb is a fission bomb with an air gap between the uranium-238 tamper and the fuel core to increase compression of the fuel, efficiency, and yielda wet bomb is a fusion bomb using a cryogenic liquid mixture of deuterium/tritium as the fuela dry bomb is a fusion bomb using solid lithium deuteride as the fuela boosted bomb is a fission bomb using a tritium gas fusion "booster"a "clean bomb" is a fusion bomb with the uranium-238 radiation casing/tamper replaced with a material intended to reduce fallouta "dirty bomb" or "salted bomb" is a fusion bomb with the uranium-238 radiation casing/tamper replaced with a material intended to increase fallouta radiological bomb (sometimes incorrectly called a dirty bomb) is a conventional bomb wrapped in a jacket of radioactive isotopesa radiological weapon is a device, not using explosives, designed to disburse a large quantity of radioactive isotopes over a large areaI hope this clarifies some things.

Related questions

Who created he bouncing bomb?

Barnes Wallis was the inventor of the 'bouncing bomb'.

In which year was the bouncing bomb first used?

The year in which the first bouncing bomb was used was in 1943. The inventor of the bouncing bomb was the British engineer Barnes Wallis.

Where did Barnes Wallis develop the bouncing bomb?

Advanced testing was on the north Kent coast near Herne Bay.

How did Barnes Wallis get the idea to make a bouncing bomb?

He got the idea while 'skipping' flat stones across a lake.

Where did Barnes Wallis get the idea for the bouncing bomb?

Never thought about it before, but I imagine that Wallis was inspired by the pastime of skipping stones across the water, and he expounded on the principle.

Advantages and disadvantages of the bouncing bomb?


What did the bouncing bomb blow up?

The bouncing bomb blew up the dam in Berlin so that Berlin was under water. This took 4 attempts.

Who invented the Grand Slam bomb?

Dr Barnes Wallis was a brilliant engineer and aircraft designer who designed the Wellington bomber, the dam busting 'bouncing bomb' (a mine), the 12 000-lb Tallboy bomb, and the 22 000-lb Grand Slam bomb. The Tallboy and Grand Slam bombs could only be carried by specially-modified Lancaster bombers.

What carried the bouncing bomb?

Avro Lancaster B111 'Special'

Where did the dambusters practice with the bouncing bomb?

Type your answer here... yorkshire

Was Thomas Spenser one of the men who tested the bouncing bomb?


Where was the bouncing bomb tested in England?

Chesil Beach, Dorset.