

How did Bosnians feel under Ottoman Rule?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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The first thing is that you need to differentiate between Christian Bosnians, who were generally unhappy with the Ottomans, and the Muslim Bosnians, who were generally happy under the Ottomans. The primary grievance of the Christian Bosnians was the unfair taxes and practice of devshirme, whereby their children would be stolen and raised as Janissaries. The Muslim Bosnians, who were the majority, generally liked the Ottoman Empire, but disagreed with some of its particular policies, especially the Tanzimat Reforms, which sought to more fully integrate Bosnia into the Ottoman Empire than the autonomy it had previously enjoyed. As a result, Bosnian Muslim nobles actually rebelled against the Muslim Ottomans on these purely political grievances.

However, on a personal level, most people felt that the environment in Bosnia was relatively tolerant and peaceful. The issues that most people had (not just Muslims, but also Christian and Jewish Bosnians) were with government policies, not issues in their daily lives. Sarajevo, which had a mix of Sunni Muslims, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Jews, was a very cosmopolitan and happy city.

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