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it changed in POPLATION , Work, Facilities , many other things . BUt these are the main points !

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Q: How did Britain change between the years of 1750-1900?
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How did Britain change between the years 1750 and 1900?

The population grew from 11m in 1750 to 40m in 1900.

The Hundred Years War was between who?

France and Britain

Which years did the population of Britain almost triple?

The population in Britain tripled between the years of 1700 and 1851. Today, the birth rate in Britain is at an all-time high at 1.61 births per woman.

What is the law for Britain male between the age 10 and 18 years old?

What is a Britain male ?? Some kind of ape ??

How did relations between Britain and the colonies change after the seven years war?

Although the British won the 7 Years War (also known as the French & Indian Wars) in 1763, relations between the UK and the Colonials soon became strained. The British expected the colonists to support them economically by shipping cheap raw materials to Britain and buying expensive finished good in return, while the colonists wanted to be treated as equals.

What did the Treaty of Paris of 1763 end?

The Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended the Seven Years war and created peace between Spain, Britain and France.

The Romans ruled Britain for in years?

The Romans ruled Britain for about 350 years.

Why did Australian involvement in the war change from Britain in the early years of the war to the Americans in the later years of the war?

Because Australians are all cotton-headed ninny muggens.

What was the Fight between the countries Austria France and Russia allied against Britain and PRussia?

Seven Years' War

How did life change between 1750 and 1900?

150 years went by

Which group had the right to vote in Britain in the 1700s?

Male property owners were the only group allowed to vote in Britain during the 1700's. It took many years for that policy to change to where it included everyone.

Who fought in the 7 years war?

The Seven Year War was fought between Great Britain and France. Russia and Spain aided France and Prussia and Portugal aided Great Britain.