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Britain was awarded a mandate, by the League of Nations, to govern Palestine-after WW1 upon the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

British mandate included references to the Balfour Declaration and the establishment of a Jewish homeland was a severe blow to the Arabs. Partly to try and mollify this disappointment, the British split the Palestine mandate into two distinct areas, using the Jordan River as a natural boundary. The British claimed that Jewish Immigration would be confined to the West of the river. The East of the river, which represented three quarters of the whole mandate area was to be reserved for the Arabs alone.

Britain also had a mandate to govern the Palestine lands Transjordan which Britain illegally severed and gave to the arabs, and Iraq. France was awarded a mandate to rule in Syria and Lebanon. This is what is refered to as the Mandate System Look up Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, T.E. Lawrence, Hashemite dynasty, mandate system, etc. all available on Wikipedia.... The State of Israel was declared on May 14, 1947 the day before the British mandate was to end.

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Q: How did Britain have control of Israel before 1948?
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Did great Britain control israel for part of the 19th and 20th centuries?

Yes, from 1919-1948.

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Britain from 1919-1948.

What was Israel before it was independent?

For many centuries the region was ruled by the Ottoman Turks. In WWI it was conquered by Britain and was under British rule from about 1917-1948.

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British withdrawl was announced in 1947 and took place in 1948.

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Answer 1Ottoman Empire, from 1516 to 1917.Great Britain was not an Occupying Power: it was a Mandatory Power in Palestine until 1948.Answer 2Great Britain exercised control over the Mandate of Palestine from 1919 to 1948 (when Israel became independent). Whether or not that is strictly construed as an occupation is not commonly questioned.The British made the laws, had the right to control police and military infrastructure, maintained ports and commerce, and directed political activities. Therefore, Great Britain was the final occupying power.Palestine was never an independent Arab State or even a unified Arab Province in any Islamic Empire.

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Ottoman Empire till 1918 and Britain after that.

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Israel became a state on May 14, 1948 when they declared independence with the neighboring Arab states.

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Israel was established as the stater of Israel in 1948

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In our times, the modern State of Israel started on May 14, 1948 .

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