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They got pissed.

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Q: How did British respond to colonist throwing tea in the harbor?
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Which action by the colonists could be categorized as an act of civil disobedience?

Placing restrictions on trade with Spain and France, Paying the stamp tax to British tax collectors, Firing guns at British soldiers at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, Colonists throwing British tea into Boston Harbor

What was the purpose of the Coercive Acts?

the purpose was to punish colonist for throwing shiploads of tea into Boston harbor during the Boston tea party.

How did the colonist respond to the east Indian company unfair advantage in the tea party?

they throw tea to the harbor

What was the purpose coercive act?

the purpose was to punish colonist for throwing shiploads of tea into Boston harbor during the Boston tea party.

How did the colonists respond to Massachusetts government act?

King Charles sent more and more troops into Massachusetts when they colonist dumped the tea into the harbor

What did the patriots hope to accomplish by throwing the tea into Boston Harbor?

To Oppose the taxation on tea imposed by The British

Did colonist dress like British solders and climb aboard ships in Boston harbor?

No they dressed like Native Americans

Why did the colonist destroy the British tea?

because the british kept taxing the tea! so the colonists decided too protest, and dump the tea into Boston Harbor

What are the main events that happened at the Boston tea party?

The colonist dressed up like mohawk Indians and dumped the british tea in the harbor

How did the British respond the Boston tea party?

The British shut down the Boston Harbor and also created the Intolerable Acts, in the event of these two things, the MA government failed.

How did the British king respond to the colonist's grievances?

He rejected their petition.

How did the colonists respond to the taxes?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.