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He hung out in the library.

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Q: How did Bruchac deal with being bullied as a child?
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Who should the kids ask for help when they are being bullied?

people who ask for help when they are being bullied are doing the right thing because if you are being bullied you may do something yourself about it but it wouldn't be right cause they will carry on and its nice to let other people deal with it. if you tell other people about it then they will help you get through it and they can sort it out.

How do you deal with being bullied?

1. Talk to someone 2. Get friends to be with you at all times 3. stand up for yourself

What can you do to not particpate in bullying or gangs?

to deal with not joining gangs you have got to ignore them if you ignore them they will ignore you that way you wont get bullied in to being a gang member

Bully-proof what does this mean?

Making a child or a person bully-proof means that they are unable to be bullied. They have learned how to deal with bullies, either by ignoring them, or facing up and exposing them, or by seeking assistance.

What is the big deal?

It is not a big deal. If you are bullied, stand up to them! Tell a teacher, Tell your parents, Tell the police!

What do you do if your being a bullie?

If your being bullied, Please, tell someone! It doesn't matter if there not family, someone you trust is good enough. If you want to deal with it yourself, try to stand up to the bully, but don't bully them back, because you would be just as as bad. Anymore questions ? want advice ? Contact me, by email, : Thanks :) Remeber, email me if you are being bullied :)

What do you do if your child is being bullied but you get charged for menacing and harrasment when you try to speak to the other parents?

Then you leave it to the police to handle since the parents have chosen not to try to handle it on their own. Report them for letting their minor harass yours. They are responsible for what their child is doing. If the harassment is happening at school it's the schools responsibility to stop it and deal with the bully and his parents. Or you can sue the school if they don't.

Your son is being bullied at school how do you deal?

talk to him about it, make sure that he knows to not to take anything to heart no matter how true it may seem. also you can possibly switch schools or have him tell a teacher

How do you deal with a parent that does not discipline their children and their children bully your child?

Well you can't do anything about how other people raise their kids but you can tell the school and keep the children away from each other. Often if it happens in school the bullied is being removed when it is in fact the bullies that should be removed so stand your ground if it happens in the school.

Is it possible to lose memories of being bullied from being bullied?

It is very possible to lose pieces of your memory that become too traumatic to deal with. If you are finding that loss is strong enough that it is disturbing you then I'd suggest going to a psychiatrist. Loss of memory can lead to a dissociative state where you just unplug from life. It is a physical response not a mental illness. Look up EMDR therapy that may help and quickly.

How do you deal with being the least favorite child in the house?

The best thing to do would be to be more responsible and show the parents that you care.

What is a bullied person?

A bully has almost always been bullied themselves. Some of the best ways to deal with one is to show kindness to them, show them that you are not afraid of them, and NOT to fight back ( that only makes things worse) . Hope this helps!